Taxi Taxi

Taxi-Almfahrt zur Aualm 1.795 m mit Sonnenaufgangswanderung

Taxi drive to the Aualm followed by a guided sunrise hike to the Aukopf 2,096 m. After the hike you enjoy a breakfast on the Aualm; Start: approx. 1h before sunrise; Return: approx. 7.30 - 8 a.m. Min. Participants: 5 adults. Price: Taxi there and back € 20,00/person + breakfast € 11,00/person. Registration: until the day before 8 p.m. at Taxi 600, Tel.: +43 (0) 6414 / 600 (the hike will not take place in bad weather)


Taxi 600
Josef Hettegger
Unterbergstraße 36
5611 Großarl


Taxi 600
Josef Hettegger
Unterbergstraße 36
5611 Großarl


Taxi 600
Josef Hettegger
Unterbergstraße 36
5611 Großarl


Taxi 600
Josef Hettegger
Unterbergstraße 36
5611 Großarl