Ski amadé from A to Z

Everything around Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

The longest toboggan run in Salzburg
The winter sports facilities in Radstadt / Altenmarkt is enriched with the longest toboggan run in Salzburg and an attractive facet. It has an almost endless tobogganing fun!

Something you have probably never seen: More than 6 km measures the spectacular toboggan run in the Salzburg Sports World, and it is located in Radstadt, on Königslehen! Find out more about the truly royal tobogganing fun in Radstadt.

At the Rossbrand high-altitude trail.

Skigebiete Reiteralm & Fageralm

Skifahren in seiner schönsten Form erleben!

Ski amadé-Partner!
Reiteralm – Top-Skiberg der Region Schladming!
Ski Reiteralm & Fageralm – „Das Beste für Dich!"


Ski & Snowboardverleih direkt an der Talstation der Sunshine Shuttle.


Unterbergstraße 74, 5611 Großarl

A stop at the ski hut and "Alm wine house" Weitmoser Schlossalm is one of the special highlights in the ski area gastein. Selected music, carefully chosen wines and the excellent sorted wine cellar with more than 50 different austrian wines and culinary on very high niveau will be granted.

Skiing & Wine Enjoyment Week – 15th to 22nd of March, 2025

15th March 2025 | Zankl's wines & Snow Jazz Gastein
Max Zankl, top sommelier and wine merchant, brings his favourite wines to the Schlossalm. There will also be live music on the sun terrace as part of Snow Jazz Gastein and specialities from the grill from our 2-toque chef Stefan Viehauser

22nd March 2025 | NEWS from Southern Styria – Winery NeueHeimat as a guest at the Schlossalm
Bastian Kaltenböck, a native of Pongau, runs the fantastic NeueHeimat winery in Gamlitz. He brings his best wines up to 2000 metres and tells us how a ski jumper became a winemaker. Fish specialities from the Schlossalm kitchen

Das SnoWorld befindet sich direkt im Gebäude der Talstation der Alpendorf Gondelbahn auf Parkplatz-Ebene.

Wir bieten alles rund um Ski- und Snowboard:

  • Verleih der kompletten Ski- und Snowboardausrüstung (Ski, Stöcke, Schuhe, Helme, Protektoren, Bekleidung)
  • Ski- und Schuhdepot
  • Skiservice
  • Shop für Sportgeräte, Fashion, Souvenirs und Accessoires

2 Standorte in Alpendorf:

  • Talstation Gondelbahn Alpendorf (EG)
  • Sporthotel Alpina (OG Talstation Gondelbahn Alpendorf)

SNOWSPORTS GASTEIN is a small, but fine ski- and snowboardschool in the Gastein Valley, which attaches great importance to top quality and personal care.

Benefit from our unique offer!Our skischool can provide you state-certified ski instructors and ski guides as well as state-certified snowboard instructors and snowboard guides. Whether snowboarders, skiers or mountaineers, everybody finds what they are searching for!


  • Private lessons for beginners to experts
  • Freeriding for snowboarders and skiers
  • Ski- and snowboard tours
  • Safety trainings
  • Group offers on request

Our ambitious and best qualified team looks forward to meeting you!


Curling lane Eben



5600 Sankt Johann im Pongau

Ihr Transport ins Skigebiet

Im sportlichen Winterurlaub in der Salzburger Sportwelt haben das Auto und der Verkehrsstress Pause: Die Skibuslinien in Wagrain-Kleinarl bringen euch aus den einzelnen Ortsteilen direkt und bequem zu den vier Talstationen der Bergbahnen.  

Mit dem kostenlosen Skibus verliert ihr keine Zeit. Der Skibus Wagrain-Kleinarl bringt euch von eurer Unterkunft zu Talstationen im Skigebiet Flachau-Wagrain-St. Johann und zum Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl-Kleinarl.

Für alle Gäste mit einem gültigen Skipass oder einer gültigen Salzburger Sportwelt Card ist der Service des Skibusses während des Aufenthalts kostenlos.

In der Hauptsaison verkehren die Busse zwischen den Talstationen Grafenbergbahn und Flying Mozart im 10 Minuten-Takt, in der Vor- und Nachsaison in Viertelstunden-Takt. Die Skibuslinie Grafenberg zur “Roten 8er” Gondelbahn fährt ca. alle 30 Minuten. Zwischen Wagrain und Kleinarl verkehren die Busse in der Hauptsaison ca. alle 15 Minuten, in der Nebensaison stündlich.

Hier findet ihr die Zeiten der Skibusse

Die Mitterhausalm liegt inmitten der Verbindung Planai - Hauser Kaibling im Schnee- und Sonnenparadies Mitterhausalm. Die Mitterhausalm verwöhnt Dich täglich mit günstigen Menüs oder mit anderen Schmankerln sowie hausgemachten Mehlspeisen. Genieße die Sonne auf unserer Sonnenterrasse. Erlebnisland im Schnee für Kinder. Wir freuen uns auf Deinen Besuch!
curling with our guests at the curling lane near the Sports Centre, for reservations contact tourist office Eben

The Strassalm is located in between of the valley stations of 3 chairlifts: Sonntagskogel, Strassalm and Hirschkogel.

The owners place great value on the quality of the meals they are serving, cooking whenever possible with products from the house-own farm!

On brilliantly beautiful winter days, the small hut out on the terrace is also open.
You can then enjoy your break out there on the sundeck!

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The Ski & Snowboard School Haus offers a comprehensive programme for beginners to professionals, whether ‘SMALL’ or ‘BIG’. With our many years of experience and highly trained ski instructors, we endeavour to teach you the latest trends and optimum technique. So nothing stands in the way of a carefree holiday with lots of fun on the most beautiful slopes of Hauser Kaibling.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch

Additional features:
Mini-Kids-Club from 3 years & own ski children's restaurants (Skikire's)

In the SternAlm you will be served in the best and friendly way. We rely on modern, home-style cuisine. It combines Austrian classics with current tastes. Regional suppliers, no finished products and real seasonality ensure your culinary #sternmoment.

Highlight of the SternAlm: the panorama winter garden with a view over the Salzach Valley – from the Kitzsteinhorn over the majestic Hochkönig to the Tennengebirge! How about an Aperol at sunset? A wonderful experience.

We look forward to you!
Fam. Unterkofler & the TEAM Stern

Ski & Wine Enjoyment Week from 15th to 22nd March, 2025

Wednesday, 19th March 2025
Electronic Music Afternoon with sundowner from 13:00

Further TOP EVENTS in the SternAlm Lounge, from 13:00: 
from 29.01. every Wednesday electronic music afternoon | several DJ's

02.02. DJane Nikolett – Salzburg
19.02. Good Vibes Club – DJ & violin & saxophone
23.02. DJane Nikolett – Salzburg
28.02. Son of Kurt – DJ & saxophone
09.03. Son of Kurt – DJ & saxophone

The Gehwolfalm awaits you with cozy hospitality and regional delicacies.
You can celebrate with family and friends, do sports or just relaxe.

Ski & Wine Enjoyment Week from 9th to 16th March, 2024

14th to 16th March, 2024
Wine tastings with the Lenhard winery from Styria
In addition to the wine tasting, we also offer our own truffle products.

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The ‘Panorama’ ski school stands for quality! Highly trained ski instructors and small groups with a maximum of 6 or 9 people ensure perfect learning success and fun for all skiing abilities. Quality assurance through targeted performance checks by state-certified ski instructors on site is part of the weekly routine. Feel the difference and book with Sport Panorama. 

Best Learn2Ski products:
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish, French

Additional features:
Small groups with max. 6 or 9 people; weekly performance check in all courses