Aktuální informace a prognózy o počasí
Počasí ve Ski amadé
Vytoužená dovolená už je za dveřmi, a tak je na místě ta nejzásadnější otázka: Jaké bude počasí? Jedním klikem se jednoduše dostanete k aktuálním informacím o počasí a dozvíte se předpověď pro následující dny ve Ski amadé. Pokud je předpověď jiná, než jste doufali, zkrátka jen do kufru přihodíte pár kusů oblečení navíc a dovolená může začít! Aneb jak se říká: Neexistuje špatné počasí, jen špatné oblečení …
Navíc: Chcete vědět, jak vypadá počasí na vrcholu? Díky spoustě webkamer ve Ski amadé se seznámíte s aktuální situací, která vás na vaší dovolené čeká.
Ski amadé Panorama
Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Flachau – Snow Space Salzburg
The day will start with extremely low temperatures, as is often the case after a starry night in a snow-covered landscape. Picture-postcard weather will however make up for the cold morning! It will be sunny and dry.
Wagrain – Snow Space Salzburg
The day will start with extremely low temperatures, as is often the case after a starry night in a snow-covered landscape. Picture-postcard weather will however make up for the cold morning! It will be sunny and dry.
St. Johann – Snow Space Salzburg
The day will start with extremely low temperatures, as is often the case after a starry night in a snow-covered landscape. Picture-postcard weather will however make up for the cold morning! It will be sunny and dry.
The day will start with extremely low temperatures, as is often the case after a starry night in a snow-covered landscape. Picture-postcard weather will however make up for the cold morning! It will be sunny and dry.
The day will start with extremely low temperatures, as is often the case after a starry night in a snow-covered landscape. Picture-postcard weather will however make up for the cold morning! It will be sunny and dry.
The day will start with extremely low temperatures, as is often the case after a starry night in a snow-covered landscape. Picture-postcard weather will however make up for the cold morning! It will be sunny and dry.
The day will start with extremely low temperatures, as is often the case after a starry night in a snow-covered landscape. Picture-postcard weather will however make up for the cold morning! It will be sunny and dry.
The day will start with extremely low temperatures, as is often the case after a starry night in a snow-covered landscape. Picture-postcard weather will however make up for the cold morning! It will be sunny and dry.