Půjčovny lyží ve Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Půjčte si rychlé lyže

Nejnovější vázání, ten nejlepší vosk a perfektně nabroušené hrany...

...promění vaše lyže či snowboard v dokonalou zimní výbavu. V půjčovnách lyží ve Ski amadé od Salcburska až po Štýrsko najdete to nejmodernější lyžařské vybavení.

Tip: Aby byly lyže, které jste si vyhlídli, volné i při vašem příjezdu, zarezervujte si svou výbavu online.

Napadlo vás, že byste si na své zimní dovolené vyzkoušeli nový druh zimních sportů? Jednoduše si půjčte snowboard, běžky nebo sněžnice a ponořte se do zimní krajiny oblasti Ski amadé! V lyžařských regionech od Salcburska po Štýrsko jsou vám totiž k dispozici neomezené možnosti…

Servisní síť Intersport

Rychlý servis a ten nejlepší výpůjční materiál pro vaši dovolenou.

Půjčovna lyží, pronájem, výměna a vrácení v libovolném z 27 Intersport-Rent výpůjčních stanic v Ski amadé. S dobrým materiálem je lyžování ještě větší zábava. Nejmodernější zimní vybavení můžete díky servisní síti Intersport-Rent v Ski amadé vyměnit či vrátit na kterémkoliv místě.

Rezervujte si své vysněné lyžařské vybevení okamžite online a zajistěte si tak ty nejlepší modely. Jednoduše si vyberte ten nejližší Intersport-Rent-Shop a zima může začít.

NYNÍ NOVĚ – možnost zapůjčení lyžařského oblečení v INTERSPORT Rent

Půjčování lyží je už dávno samozřejmostí

Proč si na své příští zimní dobrodružství nepůjčit i lyžařské oblečení! V celkem 27 INTERSPORT Rent Shops ve Ski amadé si nyní můžete půjčit i velmi kvalitní oblečení na lyže značky Schöffel pro děti i dospělé.

Půjčovny lyží ve Ski amadé

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Whether big or small, beginner or advanced, the Angerer Alpine + Ski School has the right programme for everyone. At the ski school, you can learn how to ski, optimise your technique on the piste and off-piste or simply have fun trying out fun sports equipment.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, other languages on request

Additional features:
informal, personalised supervision, weekly snowshoe hikes and ski tours


Ski sales and ski hire – Service & advice
The boards that mean the world – in Wagrain those are skis and snowboards! Fun on the piste depends largely on the equipment – it doesn’t matter whether you are trying out the many varied pistes in the Sportworld amadé or just want to enjoy a ski holiday with your family.

Winter or summer: in our sport shop you will find the latest top brands for your favourite sport, but also the best value top deals. Convenience, quality and choice are important to us.

A focus of our ski rental area: ski rent on the top. The ski rental department offers you alpine and freestyle skis, snowboards, top quality ski boots and snowboard boots. And in summer we have mountain and e-bikes. Especially practical is our depot service. After an action packed ski or bike day, you can deposit your equipment here and collect it again the next day.

You will always get good advice from our ski rental experts. They will help you choose the right equipment for your ability, make sure you have the correct binding setting and ensure a perfect boot fitting. And then there’s only one thing left to do: get out on the piste and start your winter adventure!

Rent your skis: ski hire on the spot or online.
You want to reserve your ski equipment already before you start your holiday? You can book your equipment from home easily and with favourable conditions in our online ski hire. We organise the equipment and reserve it for you. Upon arrival in Wagrain you can simply collect it from the shop or let us deliver it to your hotel. That’s what we understand by ski rental service!

Drop by or go online to rent your skis: at Sport 2000 Obermoser you are always welcome! We would be happy to give you ski rental advice and offer you a service second to none! See you soon – in the winter sport hotspot of Wagrain!

Welcome to the Knauseder sports shop!

Sport Knauseder has been an address in Dorfgastein for over 50 years. Known for its very good price-performance ratio, professional advice and professional service, also from the boss himself.

Your partner for sales, rental and service!

Our sports shop right at the Space Jet 1 valley station in Flachau is your competent partner in matters of ski rental, service and advice.

Whether you are a beginner or a professional – when it comes to winter sports equipment, quality and therefore safety cannot be compromised. In our shop you can get materials at reasonable prices. We would be happy to advise you on your safe and suitable equipment.

Reserve your equipment for your winter holiday in Flachau online now and save 10%.

The family-friendly ski school with quality and tradition.
For our children is available in Hugo's Kinderland one of the longest and most modern high-tech conveyor belts in the region with 26 m length. And do not forget our children's ski instructors with heart, humor and guaranteed pure skiing fun!

Talstation Seilbahn Flying Mozart

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The ‘Panorama’ ski school stands for quality! Highly trained ski instructors and small groups with a maximum of 6 or 9 people ensure perfect learning success and fun for all skiing abilities. Quality assurance through targeted performance checks by state-certified ski instructors on site is part of the weekly routine. Feel the difference and book with Sport Panorama. 

Best Learn2Ski products:
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish, French

Additional features:
Small groups with max. 6 or 9 people; weekly performance check in all courses

Ski rental in Radstadt witha history full of tradition
Winter sports enthusiasts can enjoy the large assortment, the professional rental service and all INTERSPORT Rent advantages. Modern winter sports equipment for sale or rent, accessoires and fun equipment is presented on a retail space of 700 square meters.

INTERSPORT Bachler, at the federal road to Obertauern, has the optimal range for smart winter sports enthusiasts who only can indulge pleasure on the slopes a few days or weeks a year: The hiring of professional ski equipment is not only cheaper than buying a new equipment, it´s also timesaving and uncomplicated, thanks to the convenient INTERSPORT Rent services.

You want to learn about the benefits of seasonal model highlights? Ask the savvy INTERSPORT Rent team for rental equipment of the Superior & Premium Class.

Service quality is at sporting Schößwendter first and absolute priority, together with product range and brand diversity. Our team is always ready to follow the trends and ensure customer satisfaction.

Furthermore offers the sports shop in Maria Alm ski rental, ski and boot fitting.

Why should you hire your winter sports equipment? Here you can find the most important reasons:

  • You can ski every season using the latest, top quality equipment and exchange your ski model or ski length at any time at no extra cost.
  • Individual advice, specially suited to your skiing expertise and the respective snow conditions. You save on servicing costs: with us, the equipment is optimally prepared every time it is hired out to a customer (Wintersteiger service partner) and the binding is individually altered, set and, of course, tested using a machine.
  • Service bonus: ski for 7 days and pay for just 6.

Have we made you curious?
From us you can get everything you need for skiing, tours, cross-country skiing, snowblading or tobogganing for the whole family, in the following categories:

  • Classic: (rental fees) softer skis, very good for beginners and people who are a little more advanced
  • Comfort: (rental fees) sporty construction, for intermediate and expert skiers – promotes skiing ability
  • Lady Ski: (rental fees) skis specially designed for women, easier swinging and good control while conserving energy, for beginners to experts
  • Sport: (rental fees) exceptional products with materials such as spring steel and bamboo, for beginners to experts
  • Zai: (rental fees) innovative skis made from carbon, cedar wood or stone – made by the world’s smallest and most innovative ski factory


Our rental shop in Sportgastein is located directly in the valley station of the Goldbergbahn. In addition to skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing equipment, we also rent out snowshoes, avalanche transceivers, shovels and probes.

We also offer a small selection of gloves, skis and sunglasses in the shop.

Wir bieten Gruppen-Skikurse für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene – egal ob Anfänger ihre ersten Schritte auf Skiern machen oder Fortgeschrittene ihr Können für noch mehr Fahrvergnügen verbessern wollen. Unsere bestens ausgebildeten Skilehrer gehen auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse ein und sorgen mit der richtigen Technik für Spaß beim Skifahren. Alle Kinderskikurse sind mit Essen und Betreuung in der Mittagspause buchbar.

Skischule Erlebniswelt – Gondel Bergstation u. Erlebniskindergarten im Tal – Skischulhaus: eigener kinderfreundlicher Essensraum u. Spielbereich für Skischulkinder, riesiges Kinderareal mit Karusell u. Übungsliften, Figurenslalom, Kinderlernprogramm mit Tierfiguren. Großzügiger Spielraum mit Rutsche, Ballbad uvm., Erlebniswelt sowie Intersport Lackner Shop / Verleih / Depot / Service auf 1.850 m direkt an der Gondel Bergstation mit Essensraum, Spielbereich u. Garderobe. Überzeugen Sie sich von unserem großen Kursangebot für Kinder und Erwachsene!

Schi- u. Rennschule Lackner, Intersport Lackner Shop / Rent / Depot / Service 4x im Großarltal. Jetzt gleich Frühbucherbonus sichern!

FAMILY Ski amadé – Angebote in den Kinder-Skischulen

Kinderareal mit Zauberteppich Ja Erlebniskindergarten mit Spielraum, Essensraum, eigenes Skischularial, 2 Übungslifte uvm.
Karussell vorhanden Ja  
Kinderbetreuung über Mittag Ja  
Babysitting 0-3 Jahre Nein Auf Anfrage je nach Alter. 
Buchbares Paket Ja  
Kinderverleih im Angebot Ja Wenn beide Eltern Ski- oder Board-Ausrüstung leihen, sind Kids unter 10 Jahre kostenlos. 
Spezieller Familienrabatt im Verleih Ja  
Spezieller Familienrabatt in der Skischule Ja  
Kinderevents Ja Skirennen mit Siegerehrung, Fackellauf, Ski-Freeski-Carving Show, div. Events für Kinder
Sonstige Bemerkungen    

We offer group courses and private lessons for alpine skiing orsnowboarding, for children and adults.

The best advice for sport and lifestyle

Sport and lifestyle share the space of over 400m2 in an old building ambience that invites you to enjoy shopping for sport, fashion and seductive PALMERS underwear. We will be happy to advise you on outfits designed for mountain adventures, après-ski and urban lifestyle.