Požičovne lyží v Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Vaše lyže rýchlo a jednoducho

Na ideálnych zimných spoločníkov premenia...

...lyže alebo snowboard až spoľahlivé viazanie, kvalitný vosk a perfektné hrany. Najmodernejšie zimné športové vybavenie nájdete vo všetkých požičovniach lyží Ski amadé od Salzburska až po Štajersko.

Tip: Aby ste vaše obľúbené lyže a výstroj mali k dispozícii už pri príchode, zarezervujte si ich ihneď online!

Chceli by ste si na zimnej dovolenke popri lyžovaní vyskúšať aj iný zimný šport? Stačí si požičať snowboard, bežky či snežnice a vyraziť v ústrety zážitkom v nádhernej zimnej krajine Ski amadé! Veď v lyžiarskych regiónoch od Salzburska po Štajersko na vás čaká nekonečné more možností…

INTERSPORT Servicenetwork

Neprekonateľná lyžovačka vďaka rýchlemu servisu a perfektnému výstroju v našich požičovniach

Lyžiarsky výstroj si môžete požičať, prenajať, vymeniť a vrátiť v jednej z 31 požičovní Intersport-Rent v lyžiarskom regióne Ski amadé. S výborným výstrojom si na svahu užijete ešte viac zábavy!

Vďaka Intersport Service Network v Ski amadé ultramoderné vybavenie vymeníte alebo vrátite v každej pobočke. Rezervujte si váš vysnívaný lyžiarsky výstroj online a zabezpečte si tie najlepšie modely. Stačí si vybrať niektorý Intersport-Rent-Shop vo vašej blízkosti a dovolenka sa môže začať.

NOVINKA – požičajte si lyžiarske oblečenie v INTERSPORT Rent

Požičať si lyže je už dávno samozrejmosťou...

Prečo si teda nepožičať aj lyžiarske oblečenie na vaše ďalšie zimné dobrodružstvá? V 31 pobočkách INTERSPORT Rent v Ski amadé si môžete požičať vysokokvalitné lyžiarske oblečenie značky Schöffel pre deti i dospelých.

Požičovne lyží v Ski amadé

Bei der Papagenobahn.
Sportshop/ Skiverleih/ Skischule/ Service Point Talstation Champion Shuttle - Kleinarl

INTERSPORT Rent in Maria Alm: rent or buy professional equipment
The Hochkönig ski area is a paradise for skiers and snowboarders. 33 lifts and 150 km of slopes, seamlessly strunged-together, provide a memorable holiday under the sign of winter sports.

INTERSPORT Rent in Maria Alm also provides the perfect equipment at four locations. How about a visit to INTERSPORT Maria Alm in the center? Receive winter sports equipment, professioal advice and comprehensive service from one single source.

The ski rental of INTERSPORT Maria Alm, center, represents a professional partner on your side, which ensures that your skiing holiday is not only very beautiful, but also runs safely and smoothly. Individual, professional support has priority at INTERSPORT Rent in Maria Alm.

That way you will receive your prefered gear faster than you´ve thought. And therefore no obstacles are in the way of an exciting day of skiing in the winter sports region Hochkönig!

Dein Outdoor Spezialist mit Experten Know-How im Bereich Wintersport, Skiverleih & Skiservice inklusive Bootfitting. Eine rund um kompetente Beratung für alle Wintersportler in der Region Hochkönig im Salzburger Land. Für alle, die eine neue Skiausrüstung suchen haben wir mit unserem Ski Test Center eine innovative Möglichkeit geschaffen, um neueste Ski Modelle vor dem Kauf zu testen. Mit unserer Almstrong App zählst du zu unseren premium Stammkunden und erfährst alle neuen Infos und Angebote zuerst.

Ski Ausrüstung schleppen war gestern – INTERSPORT Maria Alm bietet top ausgestattete und sichere, beheizte Ski Depot Plätze in der Region Hochkönig. Egal, ob für die private Skiausrüstung oder das Equipment aus dem Skiverleih, bestens aufbewahrt und natürlich für den nächsten Tag auf der Piste getrocknet.

Für alle, die im Winter das Skifahren & Snowboarden perfektionieren oder erlernen wollen ist die Skischule Maria Alm die perfekte Anlaufstelle. Profitieren auch Sie vom Know-How unserer bestens ausgebildeten Skilehrer und Skilehrerinnen.

Leitung Michael Kornberger

The best trained and certified ski and snowboard instructors will mentor you in all areas of winter sports. Quick learning with TOP quality.

We warmly welcome you to the Ski School Dorfgastein! Our ski school in Dorfgastein is based on many years of experience and family tradition for more than 35 years. With us, you are not just a participant in a ski course in Gastein, you will soon become a family member. Experience the best, comprehensive support on skis, snowboard and many other winter sports in our ski school in Gastein! Behind our award-winning ski school in Dorfgastein is an experienced, hand-picked team of local and international professionals, who speak your language.

Our motivated team improves your skiing abilities in group and private sessions and ensures quick learning progress coupled with great memories. A group or private course in the Ski School Holleis in Dorfgastein also allows you to improve your technique and refine your style. Years of experience, prime training and further education lay the foundation for quick and, moreover, sustainable success.

Wether new-comer, expert, traditional skier or snowboarder as well as action or trend sport fan, in the Ski School Dorfgastein Holleis you'll find definitely the right offer for your winter holidays in Gastein! Our expertise and technical know-how in all fields of winter sport, the award "Ski School of the Year" and the quality seal of the Snowsport School Gastein are the best guarantee that you and your children learn the art of skiing and boarding as quickly and safely as possible!

FAMILY Ski amadé – Angebote in den Kinder-Skischulen

Kinderareal mit Zauberteppich Ja  
Karussell vorhanden Ja  
Kinderbetreuung über Mittag Ja  
Babysitting 0-3 Jahre Nein  
Buchbares Paket Ja  
Kinderverleih im Angebot Ja  
Spezieller Familienrabatt im Verleih Ja  
Spezieller Familienrabatt in der Skischule Ja  
Kinderevents Ja  
Sonstige Bemerkungen   Kleingruppenunterricht, individuelle Betreuung, Skitourenangebot, Sicherheitstraining abseits der Piste, Schulung LVS Gerät u.a.

Top-equipment for sale, rent or testing
Wwinter sports enthusiasts will find a large selection of top brands at INTERSPORT Maria Alm, Hintermoos: Modern ski and snowboard equipment for different snow conditions and skill levels meet the needs of recreational athletes as well as those of skilled professionals.

The wide range of up-to-date ski and snowboard models creates delight for winter sports. But which is the perfect ski for you? On which snowboard you can enjoy safe driving fun? Ask the experienced INTERSPORT Rent team that will advise in the matter of winter sports.

You want to test your equipment before you decide to make a purchase? Then use the Test & Buy option – one of numerous INTERSPORT Rent services, available in the ski rental in Maria Alm, Hintermoos.

Leitung Georg Schwarzenbacher

Sales, rent or service: INTERSPORT Bachler, main square Schladmig
The ski resort of Schladming / Planai attracts winter sports enthusiasts with varied slopes and demanding race tracks. Also freeskiers and snowboarders feel in good hands at the venue of the annual Slalom World Cup. All those who are looking for the perfect equipment for endless fun on the slopes will find it in the center of Schladming: The ski rental of INTERSPORT Bachler, on the main square in Schladming, is located near the Planai Stadion.

As an avid skier, you know what equipment it needs in order to cover the five-kilometer descent on the Fis-run from the Planai peak to the valley. Ask for your favourite equipment in the ski rental of INTERSPORT Bachler or receive tips and tricks from the friendly team at INTERSPORT Rent.

Are you a novice to the slopes and need detailed advice? Also then the staff in the ski rental of INTERSPORT Bachler, on the main square in Schladming, is at your service. Rely on the advice of local skiers who are always glad to help you when choosing your ski or snowboard equipment.

Service quality is at sporting Schößwendter first and absolute priority, together with product range and brand diversity. Our team is always ready to follow the trends and ensure customer satisfaction.

Furthermore offers the sports shop in Maria Alm ski rental, ski and boot fitting.

Öffnungszeiten Shop Zentrum Mo - Fr 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 14:30 - 18:00 Uhr Sa 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr Öffnungszeiten Liftstation monte popolo Mo - So: 08:30 - 18:00 Uhr


Our shop is located directly in the ski center in Dienten. 
Shop, hire service, boot fitting station, and ski depot: Portis Sportshop is the ideal place for all your needs.

Book your equipment online with a 10% discount!

We are looking forward to your visit!

Ski boots made-to-measure - with boot fitting at INTERSPORT Rent
What is most important for action-packed winter sports? Correct: the perfect boots! For even the coolest slopes can only be managed with a safe material. INTERSPORT Rent therefore provides you with professional boot fitting that ensures that nothing presses and twinges during your winter holiday. You can rely on the fast quality service: Foot analysis, selection of boot, accurate thermal adaptation and then head for the slopes

The ski rental INTERSPORT Wagrain is not only a specialist in appropriate footwear, but also provides first-class ski and snowboard equipment. Rent your equipment directly at the base station of the red 8-seat cable car and start without detours into snow fun. Tthe friendly INTERSPORT Rent team is at your disposal for fast covering and binding between checks at any time.