Lyžiarske školy v Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
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Lyžiarske kurzy pre deti i dospelých

zjazdovke? Alebo potrebujete rýchlokurz pre váš vôbec prvý zjazd po bielom zlate? V lyžiarskych školách Ski amadé radi privítajú začiatočníkov, pokročilých i celé školské triedy. Naši skúsení inštruktori lyžovania a snowboardingu sa vám budú venovať presne podľa vašich potrieb. 

Vďaka profesionálnym lyžiarskym školám Ski amadé spozná pôžitok z lyžovania naozaj každý – na to sa budúci dobyvatelia zjazdoviek môžu 100 % spoľahnúť. Ponuka kurzov sa pritom prispôsobuje želaniam našich hostí, podľa toho či sa zúčastnia skupinovej výuky alebo si objednajú iba niekoľko súkromných hodín. A kto vie, možno sa im napokon zapáči aj freestyle. Hlavná vec je získať dôveru voči snehu a stáť isto na dvoch doskách!

Best Learn2Ski amadé

Lyžovanie s certifikovanými profesionálmi v najväčšom lyžiarskom raji Rakúska

S Best Learn2Ski amadé majú lyžiari všetkých vekových kategórií a úrovní schopností k dispozícii certifikovaných profesionálov ako inštruktorov. Nový certifikát uznáva certifikované lyžiarske školy a okrem najlepšej individuálnej podpory zaručuje aj zaručený pocit zlepšenia a úspechu.

Kým „Bambini“ a „Juniori“ sa učia lyžovať od základov s množstvom zábavy, mottom pre tínedžerov (od 12 rokov) je „No Limits“. Bez rodičov, pod vedením skvelých trénerov, sa zameriavajú nielen na klasickú zábavu pri lyžovaní, ale aj na učenie sa nových techník a spoznávanie rôznorodého terénu. To znamená, že si môžete vyskúšať jazdu v mogule alebo skok na lyžiach, ako aj vyskúšať lavínový vysielač.

Kurzy sa ponúkajú aj pre dospelých, ktorí s lyžovaním začínajú alebo sa k nemu vracajú, ako aj pre seniorov, ktorí majú radi spoločné lyžovanie a lyžovanie pre zábavu. Najdôležitejší cieľ všetkých kurzov: na konci je lyžiar začiatočník inšpirovaný zábavou na svahu.

Všetky lyžiarske školy

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The ‘Filzmoos Ski School’ will get you to the piste in record time! Our highly trained and experienced instructors teach with lots of fun and variety. So you can get on the piste quickly and safely and enjoy skiing, whether skiing, snowboarding or cross-country skiing, children or adults. We look forward to seeing you!

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, others on request

Additional features:
more than 70 years of experience, short distances to the lift, flexible and hospitable

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The Wagrain Ski School offers its programme at 3 locations in Wagrain. We find the right programme for everyone. We are the professionals on the snow.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Additional features:
at all 3 main lifts in Wagrain

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The Ramsau ski school offers ski courses for all ages and levels. Alpine, cross-country, snowboard, ski touring, private lessons, biathlon. We specialise in Bambini courses for children aged 3 to 5. Thanks to a well-balanced mixture of skiing, games and entertainment, even your little skiers will be able to take their first steps. 

Best Learn2Ski products:
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Czech, Italian, French

Additional features:
Ski show, meeting point accessible by car, cross-country skiing courses, biathlon, largest winter playground in the region ‘Kali`s Schneeland’

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Full-day courses for children from 4 years, teenagers and adults and for all ability levels. Half-day courses for 3 1/2 and 4 year olds. Private lessons with selected staff, multilingual, efficient, goal-orientated, tailor-made.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, French

Additional features:
Ski course for the disabled

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The FUN & PRO ski school stands for the most professional start for children and adults. Those who learn right from the start will enjoy winter sports forever. Classic skiing from beginners to confident deep-snow skiers as well as clean carving and trendy slopestyle. Snowboarding from Basic I and II to Freestyle. Rupert Pichler and his team live and breathe winter sports.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch

Additional features:
Ski in - Ski out = the whole package from a single source: school, modern hire, sales, service and depots directly on the piste. Burton Riglet Park Partner.

Experience the perfect day with Freeride Gastein

For more than 10 years we offer our guests an unforgettable skiing experience outside of the marked slopes. Our experience, training and motivation as well as our relentless devotion help to ensure it.

We offer:

  • State-certified skiing instructors and guides
  • Local guides
  • Courses for beginners to professionals
  • Perfecting off-piste ski techniques
  • Local insider tips - unprepared ski hills
  • Ski tours in the Hohe Tauern National Park
  • Snow and avalanche training (theory and practice)

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The Happy ski school in Altenmarkt offers courses for all ages and levels, from beginners to advanced skiers. With a team of experienced and young ski instructors, we ensure learning success and fun on the piste.  - Here, everyone will find the right course to improve their skills on the snow and experience the joy of skiing. 

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

SNOWSPORTS GASTEIN is a small, but fine ski- and snowboardschool in the Gastein Valley, which attaches great importance to top quality and personal care.

Benefit from our unique offer!Our skischool can provide you state-certified ski instructors and ski guides as well as state-certified snowboard instructors and snowboard guides. Whether snowboarders, skiers or mountaineers, everybody finds what they are searching for!


  • Private lessons for beginners to experts
  • Freeriding for snowboarders and skiers
  • Ski- and snowboard tours
  • Safety trainings
  • Group offers on request

Our ambitious and best qualified team looks forward to meeting you!

Best Learn2Ski Partner

In the Filzmoos ski area in Salzburger Land, part of the Ski amadé ski network, the Bögei ski school is dedicated to winter sports and all its facets. Courses for children and adults, private lessons and a special outdoor programme are all on offer from the professionals on the snow.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch

Additional features:
Winterwelt Bögei offers fun, games and variety on the largest ski area in the Ski amadé. BOBO the penguin is always there to provide fun and good humour.

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The Dorfgastein ski school offers customised group and private courses for all age groups and skill levels. With highly trained snow sports instructors, the latest teaching methods and lots of fun, we will get you to your destination quickly and safely. Whether skiing, snowboarding or children's programmes - with our experienced and international team you will experience unforgettable holiday moments in the Gastein Valley!

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Belgian, Danish, Swedish, Hungarian, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Slovakian and many more.

Additional features:
Large children's area (Gasti-Park), indoor kindergarten with ski depot, dining rooms at the valley & mid-station, lessons in small groups, children's ski school from 3 years of age, grouping without pre-driving, ski school app for guests, all-in-one service (ski course, lift pass, ski hire)

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The Ski & Snowboard School Haus offers a comprehensive programme for beginners to professionals, whether ‘SMALL’ or ‘BIG’. With our many years of experience and highly trained ski instructors, we endeavour to teach you the latest trends and optimum technique. So nothing stands in the way of a carefree holiday with lots of fun on the most beautiful slopes of Hauser Kaibling.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch

Additional features:
Mini-Kids-Club from 3 years & own ski children's restaurants (Skikire's)

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Let´s start together! With our newly developed method we will teach you in an empathic, unique and very successful way, so that you can´t get enough and it´s incredible fun. For kids and adults. 

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish, Romanian

Additional features:
Childcare from 2 years and children's programme with our ‘Rabbit Herbert’.

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Do you want to experience unforgettable skiing days? Be safe on the slopes and feel your progress curve by curve? Then you've come to the right place! Whether children, teenagers or adults - the ski instructors at the HOPL ski school are highly trained and will teach you or your children the right technique with a lot of fun and empathy.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Czech

Additional features:
Ski courses for the disabled

Guaranteed snow and plenty of space:

In perhaps the most beautiful valley head in the Salzburger Land, Sportgastein is sunny and has plenty of snow at up to 2700 meters above sea level. The wide slopes offer something for everyone, from pleasure skiers to sporty carvers. There are hardly any waiting times at the lift, just nice lift staff.

Where the children's area by Family Skischool GO! is placed, children learned to ski already 100 years ago. In this breathtaking mountain scenery not only beginners, but also advanced skiers are well looked after by professional ski and snowboard instructors.

Best Learn2Ski Partner

For perfect support during your holiday in St. Johann im Pongau, we have put together a professional team that is there for you with enthusiasm and passion. As a competent partner when it comes to winter sports, your well-being and an all-round successful ski course are important to us.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Additional features:
Pick-up & return service for children, ski school app for customers

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Learn to ski in the Ski amadé! Do you fancy an extraordinary winter sport in Flachau? Then the Sport am Jet ski school in Flachau is the right place for you. Our ski centre is located directly in the ski area on the mountain. We offer ski courses from the age of 3; youngguns for teenagers and adult courses.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Additional features:
Ski school on the mountain - ski hire, depot, service, shop from a single source