Type | Status | Naam | Aantal personen | Dal | Berg | Bedrijfstijden | |
Planai 2. Teilstrecke | 10 | 1350m | 1826m | 09:00 - 17:00 | |||
Operating hours summer season 2023 Planai 10er cable car - 1st & 2nd section:
Hauser Kaibling 8-seater gondola | 8 | 728m | 1423m | 08:15 - 17:00 | |||
8-seater gondola lift Hauser KaiblingThis cable car offers quick access to the winter and summer fun and brings you, from 729 metres, up to 1,424 metres within 7 minutes. Operating Hours Summer 20238seater Gondola & Quattralpina Daily from Saturday, June 24th to Sunday, October 1st 2023 8seater Gondola: 9 am to 5 pm (last descent) and Quattralpina: 9.15 am to 4.30 pm (last descent) Tauern Cable Car in the village of Haus im Ennstal Daily from Friday, June 16th to Sunday, October 15th 2023 from 8 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4.30 pm All informationen: www.hauser-kaibling.at |
Dachstein-Südwandbahn | 50 | 1701m | 2699m | 08:00 - 17:20 | |||
Dachstein Gletscherbahn operating times in summer 2024 Secure your fixed place for the gondola ride at https://www.derdachstein.at/en/visitor-planner/gondola-reservation |
Planai 1. Teilstrecke | 10 | 750m | 1826m | 09:00 - 17:00 | |||
Operating hours summer season 2024 Planai 10er cable car - 1st & 2nd section:
Vorderfager I | 2 | 1550m | 1780m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Doppelschlepplift - Anlage Vorderfager I umgeben von sanft kupierten Naturschnee - Pisten ...und runter zur "Speedy" Geschwindigkeits Messstrecke oder zum "Indianerpfad" |
Preunegg Jet - 8er-Seilbahn | 8 | 1030m | 1740m | 08:45 - 17:00 | |||
Operating times Preunegg Jet 2024 May 18th to May 20th, 2024 May 30th to June 23rd, 2024 June 28th to September 9th, 2024 September 13th to October 21st, 2024 October 25th to November 3rd, 2024 in all weathers www.reiteralm.at |
Forstaubahn, 2er-Sesselbahn | 2 | 935m | 1315m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Doppelsesselbahn ab Forstau - direkt an der Landesstraße gelegen modernes Skidepot, Skischule und Sportgeschäft in unmittelbarer Nähe |
Jägerlift, 2er-Sesselbahn | 2 | 1305m | 1600m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Doppelsesselbahn Jägerlift - Auffahrt zum sonnigen Hochplateau der Fageralm |
Dragonlift 2 | 2 | 1133m | 1164m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
On the slopes of the dragonlifts you meet large, colorful dragon masks. Invite you to pass to drive through her mouth to get into the colorful world of dragon flags. |
Dragonlift 1 | 1 | 1152m | 1207m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
On the slopes of the dragonlifts you meet large, colorful dragon masks. Invite you to pass to drive through her mouth to get into the colorful world of dragon flags. |
GUB Galsterbergalm | 10 | 1142m | 1650m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Galsterbergalmlift | 1 | 1650m | 1770m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Kalilift | 1 | 1160m | 1190m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
The Kalilift combines skiing and experienceworld and is also called Adventure area. A specially crafted adventure village offering pure entertainment. The warm stone-baked spread comfort and warmth. Arround the heatplace are various stations set up for an adventure village. |
Magiclift | 1 | 1225m | 1400m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
The magic leads to five extravagantly designed, oversized stone heads that tell a special story, and so take you to other worlds. A whole series of surprises and adventures waiting to be discovered, such as a cool railway to wave above and shreds or a slalom course, at the the timer is stopped. Regularly a guest magician at the magic lift. |
Schneemandl Lift | 2 | 1153m | 1263m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Ein Schwung nach dem anderen am herrlich flachen Hang. Die ganze Piste kreuz und quer ausfahren, ohne Angst vor vorbeirauschenden Skifahrern haben zu müssen. Viel Zeit und Platz zum Üben. Die Sonne genießen und die Kinder auch mal alleine eine Fahrt wagen lassen. Das macht den Reiz des Schneemandl Liftes aus. |
Rittislift | 2 | 1130m | 1300m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
The Rittislift located on the east side of the Rittisberg and you may come across several runs to the elevator. |
Gipfelbahn Vorderkahr | 4 | 1550m | 1981m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Tellerlift | 1 | 1600m | 1650m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Rittisberg Kombibahn 6er Sessel & 10er Gondel | 10 | 1150m | 1500m | 09:30 - 17:00 | |||
Summer operating times Exact opening hours, opening days and further information at https://www.rittisberg.at/! |
Rock Crystallift | 2 | 1165m | 1290m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
The magical world of snow on the mountain crystal elevator is surrounded by figures of angels and fairies and promises a fantastic voyage of discovery around the lift. At the Crystal Cave it says: skis unstrap and get into the cave. There tells the rock crystal queen an exciting story of the sparkling and glittering treasure. |
Übungslift Tal | 1 | 955m | 975m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Übungslift im Tal - mit idealer Übungswiese top-ausgestattetes Kinderland in unmittelbarer Nähe |
Tauern Seilbahn | 8 | 810m | 1836m | 08:00 - 17:00 | |||
This aerial tramway was the firs gondola lift in the Schladming-Dachstein region and it started operating in 1947. The current cable car was renoveted in 1960. The gondola lift takes you from the village of Haus to an altitude of 1825 metres above sea level. At the middle station, you got to change gondolas, and up to the tower plateau you go! Operating Hours Summer 20238seater Gondola & Quattralpina Daily from Saturday, June 24th to Sunday, October 1st 2023 8seater Gondola: 9 am to 5 pm (last descent) and Quattralpina: 9.15 am to 4.30 pm (last descent) Tauern Cable Car in the village of Haus im Ennstal Daily from Friday, June 16th to Sunday, October 15th 2023 from 8 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4.30 pm All informationen: www.hauser-kaibling.at |
Lärchkogelbahn | 8 | 1340m | 1761m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Gipfelbahn Hochwurzen | 10 | 1134m | 1840m | 08:30 - 17:00 | |||
The Gipfelbahn Hochwurzen starts the summer season on May 17th, 2024. Summer 2024 operating hours: |
Mitterfager | 2 | 1625m | 1775m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
... Schlepplift inmitten des Skigebietes ... ... mit den Vorderfagerliften über Mitterfager zum Hinterfagerlift ... |
Vorderfager II | 2 | 1550m | 1780m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Schlepplift-Anlage Vorderfager II ... runter auf der "Wikinger-Route" und "Tiere vom Fagerwald" ... rauf mit den Vorderfager-Liften |
4-seater chairlift Quattralpina | 8 | 1414m | 1868m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Operating Hours Summer 20238seater Gondola & Quattralpina Daily from Saturday, June 24th to Sunday, October 1st 2023 8seater Gondola: 9 am to 5 pm (last descent) and Quattralpina: 9.15 am to 4.30 pm (last descent) Tauern Cable Car in the village of Haus im Ennstal Daily from Friday, June 16th to Sunday, October 15th 2023 from 8 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4.30 pm All informationen: www.hauser-kaibling.at |
Hinterfager | 2 | 1630m | 1855m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
... mit dem Hinterfager-Lift rauf zum höchsten Punkt der Fageralm - herrliche Panoramablicke begeistern! ... Nähe Bergstation lädt die große "Goliath-Schaukel" zum Veweilen ein - ... mit dem Gratis-Fernrohr die Umgebung "begutachten" ... einfach nur staunend die herrliche Bergwelt bewundern! |
Hopsi-Express | 14 | 1749m | 1816m | 09:00 - 17:00 | |||
Nur ein paar Gehminuten ist die Hopsi Express Bergstation von der Planai Bergstation entfernt. Mit dem Schrägaufzug kommt bequem zum Skischulgelände im Hopsiwinterkinderland oder im Sommer zur Wasserwelt im Hopsiland und auch zur neuen Bike Area. |
Planai Fahr Long | 1730m | 1742m | 00:00 - 00:00 | ||||
Im Bereich Märchenwiese findest du im Winter das Hopsi Winterkinderland - der perfekte Ort für die ersten Schwünge im Schnee. Im Sommer findest du hier die Bike Area. Ebenfalls der perfekte Platz für Anfänger, um die ersten Kurven mit dem Mountainbike auf drei verschiedenen Downhill Strecken – zweimal Einsteiger (grün) und einmal Anfänger (blau), zu üben. |
Planai West II | 8 | 925m | 1390m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Kaibling 6er (mit Bubbles) | 6 | 1268m | 1844m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Kaibling 6seater chairliftThe moderne 6-seater chairlift with bubbles can carry 1,993 persons per hour, from an altitude of 1,268 metres to 1,844 metres above sea level. More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at!
Planai West I | 8 | 750m | 925m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Gipfelbahn (mit Bubbles) | 4 | 1835m | 2015m | 08:45 - 15:45 | |||
Summit lift 4seater chairliftThe chairlift featuring orange weather protection bubbles and heated seats, brings skiers and snowboarder to the highest point of the Schladming interlinked 4 mountains within 2 minutes. At an altitude of 2015 metres above sea level, a breathtaking panorama over the entire Ennstal valley down to Liezen awaits you. More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
Almlift | 6 | 1606m | 1945m | 08:45 - 15:45 | |||
Alm 6seater chairliftThe newest of our ski lifts features orange weather protection bubbles and heated seats. Ever since the 2011/2012 winter season, this chairlift is responsible for the pleasure of Hauser Kaibling guests. 2400 persons can be carried per hour. At the top station at an altitude of 1945 metres above sea level, you find your perfect photo motive! From this spot, you have a perfect view of the Dachstein mountains and the Dachstein glacier. More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
Fastenberg 6er | 6 | 1098m | 1763m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Märchenwiesebahn | 8 | 1702m | 1908m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Senderbahn (mit Bubbles) | 4 | 1336m | 1865m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Tower lift 4-seater chairliftThe chairlift with bubbles is in the Gföhl-Tal valley and it connects the ski resorts Hauser Kaibling and Planai. With this ski lift, up to 1630 persons can be carried per hour. More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
Höfi-Express I (mit Bubbles) | 4 | 1147m | 1504m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Höfi-Express I 4-seater chairliftThe chairlift Höfi-Express I starts right beside the Natur- & Wellneshotel Höflehner on the Gumpenberg and brings you from 1147 metres to 1504 metres above sea level. This chairlift as well, features weather protection bubbles. A unique feature of this lift is the fact, that you have a direct view of the deer park from the chairlift, observing the shy deer. If you are lucky, you might even watch while they are fed. More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
Weitmooslift | 2 | 1650m | 1781m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Höfi-Express II (mit Bubbles) | 4 | 1500m | 1821m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Höfi-Express II 4-seater chairliftFrom the top station of the Höfi-Express I, you swap over to quickly to the Höfi-Express II (with bubbles) at an altitude of 1821 metres above sea level. Up there again, numerous long ski runs are available. More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
Weitmoos-Tellerlift | 1 | 1650m | 1781m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Burgstallalmbahn | 8 | 1573m | 1908m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Mitterhausbahn | 8 | 1522m | 1852m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Wollis platter lift | 1 | 735m | 768m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
The perfect start of your snow adventure Right at the valley station of the 8-seater gondola, the new Wollis Kids Park awaits all ski and snowboard beginners. A platter lift, three magic carpets and slopes suitable for beginners serve as the perfect preparation for your skiing or boarding fun in the 4-mountain ski area. Fun elements in the park provide variety in the breaks and the AlmArenA is there for you to warm up with Kaiserschmarren & Co. Free use of the entire Wollis Kids Park for all ski pass holders. More information: www.hauser-kaibling.at |
Reiteralm Silver Jet, 8er-Seilbahn | 8 | 780m | 1385m | 08:15 - 16:30 | |||
Moderne, leistungsstarke 8er-Gondelbahn, Talstation direkt neben der Bundesstraße B320 gelegen große asphaltierte Parkplätze, inkl. Busparkplätze, direkt an der Talstation modernes Talstations-Center mit Tourist-Info, Skischulen, Aufenthaltsraum, Gratis-Internet-Corner, Getränke-Automat, modernes Skidepot Intersport-Geschäft in unmittelbarer Nähe |
Sonnecklift | 4 | 1336m | 1599m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Hauser Kaibling - Blöckis magic carpet | 1 | 735m | 768m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Wollis Kids Park summer 2024 operating times May 30th to June 26th, 2024 June 27th to September 8th, 2024 |
Rohrmoos I | 10 | 745m | 987m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Fritz-Blitz | 0 | 1671m | 1750m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Rohrmoos II | 6 | 962m | 1152m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Weidas magic carpet | 1 | 735m | 768m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
The perfect start of your snow adventure Right at the valley station of the 8-seater gondola, the new Wollis Kids Park awaits all ski and snowboard beginners. A platter lift, three magic carpets and slopes suitable for beginners serve as the perfect preparation for your skiing or boarding fun in the 4-mountain ski area. Fun elements in the park provide variety in the breaks and the AlmArenA is there for you to warm up with Kaiserschmarren & Co. Free use of the entire Wollis Kids Park for all ski pass holders. More information: www.hauser-kaibling.at |
Lockis magic carpet | 1 | 735m | 768m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
The perfect start of your snow adventure Right at the valley station of the 8-seater gondola, the new Wollis Kids Park awaits all ski and snowboard beginners. A platter lift, three magic carpets and slopes suitable for beginners serve as the perfect preparation for your skiing or boarding fun in the 4-mountain ski area. Fun elements in the park provide variety in the breaks and the AlmArenA is there for you to warm up with Kaiserschmarren & Co. Free use of the entire Wollis Kids Park for all ski pass holders. More information: www.hauser-kaibling.at |
Übungslift | 2 | 1381m | 1489m | 08:45 - 16:00 | |||
Practice button liftThe practice lift beside the top station of the Hauser Kaibling 8-seater gondola lift. This button lift was set up for our little guests, beginners, and all those who need some refresher-runs. More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
Hochwurzen I | 8 | 777m | 1272m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Hochwurzen II | 4 | 1262m | 1849m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Obertalbahn | 6 | 1043m | 1452m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Hopsilift | 1 | 1045m | 1080m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Schütterlift | 1 | 939m | 987m | 00:00 - 00:00 | |||
Gasselhöhebahn II, 6er-Sesselbahn mit Bubbles | 6 | 1375m | 1885m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Reiteralm III | 6 | 1584m | 1810m | 08:45 - 16:00 | |||
6er Sesselbahn Schoberbahn - MEHR Angebot - MEHR Komfort - MEHR Piste - MEHR Skivergnügen! |
Seppn Jet - 4er-Sesselbahn mit Bubbles | 4 | 1370m | 1740m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Hasecklift I | 1 | 1315m | 1390m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Die Tellerlifte in der Nähe des Kinderlandes - |
Hasecklift II | 1 | 1315m | 1390m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Die Tellerlifte in der Nähe des Kinderlandes - |
Kinderland-Lift, Übungswiese | 1 | 1380m | 1395m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Sonniges Kinderland - top ausgestattet mit Übungsliften, sanfte Übungswiese, Zauberteppich, Kinderkarussell, direkt an der Gondelbahn "Silver Jet" - Bergstation gelegen - somit perfekt auch mit Kinderwagen erreichbar |
Reiteralm I, 2er-Sesselbahn | 2 | 765m | 1375m | 08:30 - 16:00 | |||
Doppelsesselbahn ab Pichl - Verbindungslift von der Hochwurzen zur Reiteralm; |
Muldenlift I | 2 | 1385m | 1670m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Doppel-Schlepplift-Anlage direkt im Zentrum - die dazugehörige Piste präsentiert sich super kupiert und herrlich breit - Tipp: wenn beim 6er-Sessellift ein kleiner Stau sein sollte - rüber zum Muldenlift ;-) |
Muldenlift II | 2 | 1385m | 1670m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Doppel-Schlepplift-Anlage direkt im Zentrum - die dazugehörige Piste präsentiert sich super kupiert und herrlich breit - Tipp: wenn beim 6er-Sessellift ein kleiner Stau sein sollte - rüber zum Muldenlift ;-) |
Übungslift | 1 | 1375m | 1420m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
Verbindungslift | 1 | 1365m | 1410m | 09:00 - 16:00 | |||
... Verbindungslift zwischen 6er- und 4er-Sesselbahn ... |
Type | Status | # | Naam | besneeuwbaar | Lengte | Hoogteverschil | Helling | |
Ramsauerloipe | ||||||||
Gletscherwanderweg zur Dachstein Warte | ||||||||
Rittisberg cross-country ski trail 5.2 km (skating and classic) | 5.2m | 120m | ||||||
die 5,2 Kilometer lange Höhenlanglaufloipe, die sich in einem Rundkurs erstreckt. Ihre Höhenlage zwischen 1500 und 1600 m Seehöhe bietet dir immer wieder eine atemberaubende Sicht auf das Dachsteinmassiv, die Radstädter Tauern und das Ennstal. Über die Höhenlanglaufloipe kannst du sowohl im Skating- als auch im Klassikstil durch verschneite Winterwälder laufen. |
Dirndl Skitour | ||||||||
Mitterstein Skitour | ||||||||
33 | Nightslope Hochwurzen | 2456m | 715m | 29% | ||||
On the Hochwurzen the night is turned into day. Take your turns on the 3 km long slope no. 33 - freshly prepared every evening - and enjoy the unique ambience and good visibility provided by the orange lighting. |
1a | WM Startstrecke | 510m | 114m | 22% | ||||
You are here on the men's course of the 2013 Alpine Ski World Championships. |
2a | Rittisberg Eastdeparture | 2100m | 370m | |||||
Start top of the Rittisberg and then on the slope down to Rittislift II |
9 | WISBI - Strecke | 150m | 40m | |||||
1 | FIS-Abfahrt | 3500m | 600m | 17% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
1 | Forstau - Talabfahrt | 2100m | 400m | |||||
Talabfahrt zur Doppelsesselbahn Forstaubahn
1 | toboggan run Ramsau | 6500m | 496m | |||||
About the toboggan run leads from the eagle lifts to the magic lift, to the lift the rock crystal and to the soundlift directly into the center of Ramsau. |
Rittisberg fairytale departure | 3300m | 350m | ||||||
At the Rittislift there is the longest fairytaledeparture in Austria . Carefully crafted fairy tale characters such as wizards, dwarves, witches, etc. waiting to be discovered. |
Kalis Winterworld | ||||||||
Learn to ski in Kali’s Winter world !
Mega Stone-heads, Eagle- and Rock Caves, Dragonheads and mystic sounds – a Winter Fairytale for Young and Old.
Kali’s Winter world is a unique magical ski world, which combines winter sport, art, fun and adventure. Our mascot Kali accompanies our littlest skiers on their first runs. www.skiregion-ramsau.at
1 | Ski departure | 6500m | 496m | |||||
About the ski route is accessible from the eaglelifts to the magic lift, to the rock crystal lift and to the soundlift directly into the center of Ramsau. |
Schneemandl Lift | 470m | 93m | 18% | |||||
1 | WM Herrenstrecke oben | 2800m | 1080m | 26% | ||||
2 | Rittisberg Northdeparture | 1000m | 150m | |||||
The north Northdeparture is what for those who like to quickly and sweeping to the valley. |
Rittisberg Southdeparture | 2100m | 370m | ||||||
Start top of the Rittisberg and then next to the fairytale start to the valley to Rittislift II |
Rock crystallift | 693m | 113m | ||||||
The magical world of snow on the mountain crystal elevator is surrounded by figures of angels and fairies and promises a fantastic voyage of discovery around the lift. At the Crystal Cave it says: skis unstrap and get into the cave. There tells the rock crystal queen an exciting story of the sparkling and glittering treasure. |
1 | Talabfahrt | 2756.5m | 356m | |||||
Hallstätterloipe | ||||||||
1 | WM Herrenstrecke unten | 1300m | ||||||
You are here on the men's course of the 2013 Alpine Ski World Championships. |
Kalilift | 185m | 17m | ||||||
The Kalilift combines skiing and experienceworld and is also called Adventure area. A specially crafted adventure village offering pure entertainment. The warm stone-baked spread comfort and warmth. Arround the heatplace are various stations set up for an adventure village. |
Magiclift | 894m | 145m | ||||||
The magic leads to five extravagantly designed, oversized stone heads that tell a special story, and so take you to other worlds. A whole series of surprises and adventures waiting to be discovered, such as a cool railway to wave above and shreds or a slalom course, at the the timer is stopped. Regularly a guest magician at the magic lift. |
Skitour Fageralm | Goliath Schaukel | 7300m | 950m | ||||||
Opening times: More information: |
Dragonlift 2 | 212m | 31m | ||||||
On the slopes of the dragonlifts you meet large, colorful dragon masks. Invite you to pass to drive through her mouth to get into the colorful world of dragon flags. |
Dragonlift 1 | 294m | 70m | ||||||
On the slopes of the dragonlifts you meet large, colorful dragon masks. Invite you to pass to drive through her mouth to get into the colorful world of dragon flags. |
Rittisberg Süd | 3500m | 482m | ||||||
Piste tour route Rittisberg North | 2500m | 482m | ||||||
2 | WM Damenstrecke unten | 1633m | 360m | 22% | ||||
1 | Talabfahrt | 3447m | 526m | |||||
1A | FIS-Talabfahrt | 2700m | 550m | 21% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
2 | WM Damenstrecke oben | 1633m | 360m | 22% | ||||
You are here on the ladies' course of the 2013 Alpine Ski World Championships. |
Ski tour Hochwurzen | 3000m | 720m | ||||||
At the Hochwurzen summit lift, your own ascent trail starts over a partially prepared route and partially through the forest. The track is accessible. |
2 | WM Damenstrecke mitte | 1633m | 360m | 22% | ||||
Ski tour Planai | 3200m | 575m | ||||||
The ascent trail leads you through the forest from the Planai cable car middle station / Lärchkogelbahn valley station up to the Planai summit.
1a | Leichte Umfahrung Mauthang | 632m | 112m | |||||
3 | Streicherabfahrt | 1900m | 465m | 24% | ||||
1B | Skiweg Markt Haus | 1000m | 100m | 10% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
3a | Wieslechnerwiese | 910m | 94m | 10% | ||||
4 | Kraiterabfahrt | 1540m | 337m | 22% | ||||
2 | Ennslingalm-Abfahrt | 3000m | 450m | 15% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
1b | Talabfahrt Mauthang | 324m | 112m | |||||
5 | Lärchkogelabfahrt | 2033m | 420m | 20% | ||||
2 | Vorderkar | 2084m | 430m | |||||
2A | Prenner-Talabfahrt | 3000m | 630m | 22% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
2a | FIS-Vorderkar-Abfahrt | 238m | 130m | |||||
2B | Skiweg Ennsling | 300m | 100m | 20% | ||||
Alle Informationen unter www.hauser-kaibling.at |
6a | Skiweg zur Jagaabfahrt | 707m | 60m | 8% | ||||
6 | Jagaabfahrt | 1192m | 464m | 18% | ||||
2C | Wollis Piste | |||||||
Alle Informationen unter www.hauser-kaibling.at |
7a | Rittiserhang | 270m | 63m | 23% | ||||
3 | Häuslrücken | 587m | 110m | |||||
7 | Märchenwieseabfahrt | 1090m | 159m | 14% | ||||
Here is the start of the descent into Children Winterworld. |
Dachstein Crossing to Obertraun - Austria's National Ski Tour | ||||||||
4 | Maresihang | 275m | 50m | |||||
8 | Weitmoosabfahrt | 1850m | 214m | 18% | ||||
2D | Blöckis Piste | |||||||
Alle Informationen unter www.hauser-kaibling.at |
3 | Höfi-Abfahrt | 3200m | 670m | 21% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
8a | Weitmoosabfahrt | 520m | 91m | 17% | ||||
4 | Tellerlift | 675m | 50m | |||||
3 | Höfi-Abfahrt | 500m | 150m | 32% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
10 | Vorderkarabfahrt | |||||||
Rittisberg night tobogganrun | 3300m | 350m | ||||||
With a specially frequented 3.5 km long toboggan run, which is illuminated at night, provides the Rittisberg one of the most beautiful natural toboggan runs in the Dachstein-Tauern region. The 4-seater chair lift takes the toboggan fans from 19 clock on the 1,500 m high Rittisberg operation: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays: Operating Hours: Rittislift from 19 to 22 clock clock, illumination of the run up to 23 clock. |
1 | Gasselhöhe-Piste, Weltcupstrecke | 2500m | 460m | |||||
Weltcup-Strecke, Trainingspiste der Ski-Weltelite - die Lieblingspiste unserer Skistars - die Steilheit, die Kupiertheit, die Länge - einfach perfekt für´s Training sowie auch für Weltcup-Rennen bestens geeignet! :-) |
Rosmarie Tunnel - Access to the Edelgriess Freeride Descent | ||||||||
8b | Lärchkogel Südabfahrt | 302m | 44m | 14% | ||||
9 | Burgstallalmabfahrt | 1203m | 331m | 27% | ||||
Skiweg Berg Tellerlift - Vorderkar | ||||||||
3A | Skiweg Höfi-Express | 1700m | 200m | 12% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
9a | Burgstallalmabfahrt | 510m | 137m | 17% | ||||
Skiweg Vorderkar - Berg Tellerlift | ||||||||
3B | Skiweg Seilbahn | 900m | 100m | 11% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
10 | Mitterhausabfahrt | 2720m | 328m | 12% | ||||
Skiweg Bottinghaus-Talabfahrt | ||||||||
3C | Skiweg Prenner-Talabfahrt | 900m | 100m | 11% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
8 | Toboggan run Galsterberg | 5000m | ||||||
11 | Sonneckabfahrt | 2150m | 263m | 12% | ||||
4 | Weltcup-Abfahrt | 1000m | 200m | 20% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
4 | Weltcup-Abfahrt | 4000m | 600m | 15% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
12 | Skiroute Burgstallalm | 1550m | 290m | 25% | ||||
Bereich Bottinghaus | ||||||||
13 | Skiroute Mitterhaus | 740m | 50m | 6% | ||||
Funrun Bottelix Hinkelsteinbruch | ||||||||
6 | Die Schönste | 4200m | 420m | 10% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
31 | FIS-Abfahrt | 2500m | 578m | 23% | ||||
6 | Die Schönste | 1100m | 200m | 19% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
Funrun Römerstraße VII | ||||||||
Funrun Little Gallier Park | ||||||||
32 | Sepp Walcher-Abfahrt | 1170m | 253m | 22% | ||||
6A | Skiweg Kaiblingalm | 2700m | 180m | 7% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
9 | Permanent Rennstrecke | 500m | ||||||
7 | Panorama-Abfahrt | 550m | 180m | 35% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
33 | Ostabfahrt | 2456m | 745m | 29% | ||||
1a | Skiweg Talabfahrt | 2200m | 400m | |||||
leichte Umfahrung der Talabfahrt
10 | Trainingspiste | 1200m | 431m | |||||
eine eigens angelegte Trainingspiste ermöglicht HEUER NEU - grenzenlosen Trainingsspass für Kaderläufer und Wintersportvereine.
34 | Verbindungsabfahrt | 1290m | 132m | 10% | ||||
37 | Rohrmooser Plateau/Schladming | 2000m | ||||||
1a | Gleiming - Talabfahrt | 2800m | 600m | |||||
Talabfahrt zur Gondelbahn "Silver Jet" - genannt auch die "alte Talabfahrt" - immer wieder schön zum Runterwedeln! |
8 | Kaiblingalm-Abfahrt | 1500m | 130m | 9% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
9 | Skiroute Osthang | 700m | 200m | 30% | ||||
More Information on www.hauser-kaibling.at! |
35 | Mittelabfahrt | 1784m | 307m | 17% | ||||
Ski tour Galsterberg | 4300m | 857m | ||||||
The tour to the Galsterbergalm or the mountain station on the Kalteck starts from the start portal of the GUB valley station. There is a variant over the piste or your own ascent track through the forest. The track is accessible. |
36 | Primpsabfahrt | 1400m | 126m | 9% | ||||
Peak Experience at 2.015 meter sea level | ||||||||
In a few minutes only, the Hauser Kaibling ski lifts take you to the highest point of Schladming's four interlinked mountains at 2,015 metres. Get to Hauser Kaibling's summit! With a level of 2,015 m, it is the highest point of Schladming's four interlinked mountains, offering gorgeous panoramic views across the Ennstal valley and the Dachstein mountains. Take some fun pictures with the pink sheep that awaits you on top! Tip: sign the summit book! |
Pleasure Island at 1.800 meter sea level | ||||||||
Take a break from carving and skiing and relax at the Genussinsel – Pleasure Island. At a level of 1,800 m, 360 degree panorama sun loungers invite you take it easy and enjoy a break beforehand, in between, or after your downhill runs. There are 50 places waiting to be filled. Take advantage of the possibility to share the great time you are having with your loved ones at home with the help of your mobile phone, internet, and free wifi. Location: top station of the "Quattralpina" chairlift – tower plateau. |
37 | Rohrmooser Plateau | 3500m | 310m | 18% | ||||
XXL Funslope | ||||||||
The XXL Funslope with moguls, a tunnel, giant snail, speed booster, and even more, features the best of piste, snowpark, and cross, along fantastic 1,460 metres. The Hauser Kaibling XXL Funslope in one of Austria's longest of its kind, making for some fantastic ski fun for young skiers - and the young-at-heart, too! Looking for some additional excitement? In 2016, we set up the XXL Funslope, and in summer 2018, we made it even longer. It now features a fabulous length of 1,460 metres, offering skiers and snowboarders of all levels some great variety. For the funslope, we combined well known piste, snowpark, and cross elements as well as steep turns, moguls, and small jumps. There are also non-snow elements to find along this new attraction, as the brand-new Slope Cop, a Speedbooster, a Hoop Race, a Low-Five Hand, a Sound High-Five Hand, as well as a Sound Slopy - which even measures your speed! Once you’ve skied through the snow-tunnel and the giant snail – which has a shift in direction, and you’ve passed the final tunnel, it will be clear: one funslope run is not enough – you’ll have to do it again! Location: Kaiblingalm Pist Nr. 8 |
37 | Abfahrt bis Schladming | 730m | 240m | 32% | ||||
Wollis Kids Park | ||||||||
The perfect start of your snow adventure Right at the valley station of the 8-seater gondola, the new Wollis Kids Park awaits all ski and snowboard beginners. A platter lift, three magic carpets and slopes suitable for beginners serve as the perfect preparation for your skiing or boarding fun in the 4-mountain ski area. Fun elements in the park provide variety in the breaks and the AlmArenA is there for you to warm up with Kaiserschmarren & Co. Free use of the entire Wollis Kids Park for all ski pass holders. More information: www.hauser-kaibling.at |
38 | Golden Line | 1630m | 220m | 13% | ||||
40 | Abfahrt Pichl | 3450m | 495m | 14% | ||||
41 | Obertalabfahrt | 1600m | 391m | 36% | ||||
42 | Rohrmooser Weide | 850m | 90m | 10% | ||||
43 | Skiroute Untertal | 1100m | 166m | 15% | ||||
2 | Jägerliftabfahrt | 1600m | 300m | |||||
schöne, breite Abfahrt, herrlich kupiert,
2 | Reiteralm-Abfahrt | 2000m | 320m | |||||
breite, schöne Piste, Auffahrt mit 4er-Sesselbahn, Anschluß an die Gasselhöhe Abfahrt, Weltcupstrecke |
2 | Hahnl Piste - Black Rose | 700m | 140m | |||||
steilste Piste vom höchsten Punkt, eine Piste die herausfordert! |
Superpark Planai | ||||||||
The park is divided into a beginner, medium and pro kicker line with a total of 17 kickers and a corner jump. The Pro Kicker Line with tables between 12 and 17 meters is definitely the highlight for every airtime junky. All jibbers get their money's worth with a total of 22 jib elements such as rails, tubes, boxes and mushrooms. But also beginners quickly get the desire for more! |
Permanent race track (at the middle station Planai) | 12m | |||||||
Night Toboggan Run | 7000m | |||||||
Toboggan Run Hochwurzen | 7000m | |||||||
Speedtrack Hochwurzen | ||||||||
Speedtrack Planai | ||||||||
Hopsi's Children Winter Wonderland | ||||||||
Funslope Planai | ||||||||
Funcross Planai | ||||||||
Sound track | ||||||||
Ski Movie | ||||||||
2a | Skiweg Jägerlift | 1700m | 300m | |||||
Alternative zur Jägerlift-Abfahrt
2a | Reiteralm-Talabfahrt (Pichl) | 2500m | 600m | |||||
kupierte Talabfahrt nach Pichl, Verbindung zur Hochwurzen |
2a | Reiteralm Talabfahrt (Mitte) | 640m | 140m | |||||
sog. "Mittelstück" der Talabfahrt nach Pichl, Piste 2a |
Funslope Hochwurzen | ||||||||
3 | Vorderfagerabfahrt I | 1800m | 180m | |||||
viel Platz auf der Naturschnee-Piste
3 | Muldenlift-Abfahrt | 1200m | 250m | |||||
breite Abfahrt, bevorzugte Piste für Rennen unserer Skiclubs - ... da werden ua. auch die "Einheimischen-Derby-Rennen" ausgetragen ... |
3a | Vorderfagerabfahrt II | 1500m | 180m | |||||
viel Platz auf der Naturschnee-Piste
3a | Gasselhöhe-Abfahrt 3a - Black Power | 1000m | 210m | |||||
breiter Steilhang, Anschluß an Muldenlift Abfahrt |
4 | Mitterfagerabfahrt | 900m | 70m | |||||
viel Platz auf der Naturschnee-Piste
4 | Schnepfn-Abfahrt | 700m | 200m | |||||
Abzweigung bei Pichl Talabfahrt, führt zum Beginn der Finale Grande Talabfahrt! |
4 | Skiweg Finale Grande | 925m | 100m | |||||
Der Skiweg ab der Bergstation Gondelbahn Silver Jet zur Pichl Talabfahrt und dann weiter zur Piste "Finale Grande " - die schönste Talabfahrt! |
4 | Finale Grande - Black Queen | 400m | 70m | |||||
... einer der steilsten Pistenabschnitte auf der Reiteralm ... WICHTIG: dieser Pistenabschnitt kann natürlich umfahren werden |
4 | Finale Grande - Talabfahrt | 1200m | 200m | |||||
schönste Talabfahrt, führt zur Gondelbahn "Silver Jet", im obersten Bereich "tiefschwarz" - der steilste Pistenabschnitt der Reiteralm! - dieser Abschnitt kann jedoch umfahren werden (rote Piste) bzw. über Rauner Skiweg (blaue Piste) |
5 | Hinterfagerabfahrt | 1200m | 230m | |||||
Ausgangspunkt am höchsten Aussichtspunkt auf 1885 m Seehöhe mit Goliath-Schaukel und Gratis-Fernrohr |
5 | Holzerabfahrt | 2700m | 700m | |||||
schönste Carving-Piste, herrlich breit kupiert - ein Genuss der Sonderklasse! |
6 | Hüttenabfahrt | 1100m | 230m | |||||
vom höchsten Aussichtspunkt zu den urig-gemütlichen Skihütten |
Skiweg FritzBlitz - Schönfahrerpiste | ||||||||
7 | Permanente Rennstrecke | 470m | ||||||
Auffahrt mit dem Hinterfager-Lift, runter zum Start (bei der Trinkeralm) und los geht´s! Ein flüssig, leicht gesteckter Riesentorlauf wird täglich in die frisch präparierte Piste |
8 | Kinderpiste Tal | 100m | 20m | |||||
...von der "Kinderpiste Tal" dann rauf auf den Berg zu den liebevoll gestalteten Kinderskirouten! |
6 | Almanger | 1000m | 60m | |||||
Piste für den fortgeschrittenen Anfänger
7 | Haseckpiste | 300m | 80m | |||||
breite Piste für den Anfänger, Nähe Kinderland,
die "zweite" Piste nach dem Kinderland für die Anfänger |
8 | Märchenpiste | 300m | 80m | |||||
Pisten für den Anfänger |
8 | Verbindungspisten | 600m | 80m | |||||
Pisten für den Anfänger, Pisten verbinden 6er- und 4er-Sesselbahn
9 | Kinderland-Piste - Übungswiese | 120m | 30m | |||||
Piste im sonnigen Kinderland (Karussell, Zauberteppich, Figuren)
10 | Rauner - Black Horse | 400m | 70m | |||||
interessanter Steilhang - ganz in der Nähe vom Hotel Raunerhof |
12 | Skiweg Almboden | 480m | 50m | |||||
wichtiger Pisten-Verbindungs-Skiweg: |
k2 | Skiroute Wikinger-Strecke | 1000m | ||||||
... liebevoll gestaltete Kinderskiroute mit handgefertigten Motiven ... |
k3 | Skiroute Tiere vom Fagerwald | 700m | ||||||
... liebevoll gestaltete Kinderskiroute mit handgefertigten Motiven ... |
Boardercross | 900m | |||||||
... rasante, wellige Schwünge auf der Boardercross ziehen ... |
k1 | Skiroute Indianerpfad | 700m | ||||||
... liebevoll gestaltete Kinderskiroute mit handgefertigten Motiven ... |
9 | Speedy-Strecke | 200m | ||||||
Schuß-Strecke, Messung in km/h, täglich und gratis
24a | Skiweg Rauner | 520m | 60m | |||||
Verbindungspiste Pichl Talabfahrt (2a) zur Finale Grande Talabfahrt (4), Gleiming Talstation |
25a | Skiweg Bänklinger zu Preunegg Jet Tal | 860m | 100m | |||||
Anschluss Pichl Talabfahrt zu Preunegg Jet Talstation |
25 | Preunegg Abfahrt | 1000m | 250m | |||||
herrlich schöne und breite und neue Piste - "Verbindungspiste" von der Reiteralm Abfahrt zur Holzer Abfahrt |
S | Umfahrung Kainer Steilhang | 480m | 50m | |||||
Leichte Umfahrung des Kainer Steilhanges |
S | Skiweg z. Preunegg Jet ab Reiteralm Talabf. | 650m | 50m | |||||
... Abzweigung von der Pichl Talabfahrt zur Holzer Abfahrt und dann rauf mit dem Preunegg Jet |
S | Skiweg Holzerabfahrt zu Seppn Jet Tal | 700m | 110m | |||||
Skiweg von der Holzer Abfahrt zur Talstation 4er-Sesselbahn Sepp´n Jet - mit diesem Skiweg kann man bestens den steileren Teil der Holzer Abfahrt "umfahren" - |
S | Skiweg Reiteralmabf. zu Weltcuppiste Gasselh. | 470m | 40m | |||||
Verbindungsskiweg zwischen 2 top Abfahrten Reiteralm Abfahrt und Gasselhöhe Abahrt, Weltcupstrecke |
GUL-Schussstrecke - km/h Anzeige | 150m | 40m | ||||||
Schuß-Strecke, Messung in km/h, täglich und gratis
Crosspark Reiteralm | 750m | 85m | ||||||
Fun & Action auf der langen und selektiven Cross-Strecke. Start bei der Bergstation 8er Seilbahn Preunegg Jet. Steilkurven sowie über 10 abwechslungsreiche Elemente und ein Almhütten-Sprung als besonderes Highlight werden dich begeistern! |
Skimovie Reiteralm | ||||||||
Skimovie Reiteralm ist eine permanente Parallel-Rennstrecke im Zentrum der Reiteralm - Die Rennstrecke ist täglich in Betrieb, Teilnahme & Benutzung ist natürlich kostenlos.Zwei Spezial-Video-Kameras filmen dich und deinen Freund bei eurem Rennerlebnis.
Kids Park | ||||||||
children's carousel, children's ski routes, x.point and much more delight large and small visitors. |
Rennstrecke Cool Running mit Zeitnehmung | 560m | 130m | ||||||
DIE sportliche Herausforderung für den Hobby-Rennläufer! |
Rennstrecke Kids Cool Running | 300m | 80m | ||||||
Photopoint | ||||||||
Black Quartett | ||||||||
Skiline & Internet Terminal | ||||||||
Winterspielplatz im Kinderland |
Ski route
in preparation