Aktuálne info naživo
Stačí iba jedno kliknutie a získate informácie o aktuálnom počasí a predpoveď pre Ski amadé na nasledujúce dni. Ak by prognóza nebola celkom podľa vašich predstáv, vezmite si so sebou zopár kúskov oblečenia navyše a dovolenka sa môže začať! Lebo ako dobre viete, neexistuje zlé počasie, iba zlé oblečenie...
Chcete vedieť ako vyzerá počasie v horách? Vďaka mnohým webovým kamerám získate informácie o aktuálnej snehovej i poveternostnej situácii na nasledujúci týždeň.
Ski amadé Panorama
Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Maria Alm
We will see another day of sunshine and clouds today. A weak front, which will not influence our weather very much, however, will bring us slightly less sunshine than yesterday.
It will not be very mild today.
We will see another day of sunshine and clouds today. A weak front, which will not influence our weather very much, however, will bring us slightly less sunshine than yesterday.
It will not be very mild today.
We will see another day of sunshine and clouds today. A weak front, which will not influence our weather very much, however, will bring us slightly less sunshine than yesterday.
It will not be very mild today.