Príchod lietadlom

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Príchod lietadlom


Letisko Salzburg so svojimi národnými a medzinárodnými linkami a charterovými spojeniami je vzdialené iba 30-60 minút jazdy alebo transferu (bez dopravných zápch) od lyžiarskych stredísk v Ski amadé. Letisko München je vzdialené približne 1 ½ až 2 hodiny (bez dopravných zápch), a letisko Klagenfurt je vzdialené 1 ½ až 2 ½ hodiny (bez dopravných zápch).

Vyhľadajte tu hneď aj vhodné lety


Austria Transfer 
(Cenovo výhodný transfer z letiska v Salzburgu/Mníchove priamo do lyžiarskej oblasti.)


Aby Ste sa z letiska dostali pohodlne do miesta lyžovania, odporúčame Vám tu niekoľko transferov, ktoré Vás rýchlo a bezpečne prepravia na Vašu zimnú dovolenku:

Požičanie auta

Počas dovolenky sa nechcete viazať a chcete preskúmať Ski amadé aj mimo zjazdoviek? Vaše zapožičané vozidlo na Vás čaká na letisku. Letisko Salzburg Vám ponúka celý rad medzinárodných autopožičovní:

Taxi služby a kyvadlová doprava

v Ski amadé

Taxi Gruber

Römerstraße 33, 5550 Radstadt

Taxi Hippolt

Airport transfers, ski lift transfer, ski bus, arrival and departure service, shopping service, etc.

Taxi Services and Transfer

We transport
individuals, business travelers,
Conference groups, travel agencies or receptionists.

With us you can get airport services,
Book train station transfers, as well as individual travel destinations and routes!

Taxi Hochreiter

Bergbahnstraße 20, 5632 Dorfgastein

Taxi Höhenwarter

Kurpromenade 14, 5630 Bad Hofgastein

Taxi-Huber is one of the long-standing traditional companies in Enns-Pongau. For more than 25 years we are there for you and bring you quickly, safely and inexpensively to your destination.

Our drivers are all experienced, responsible people who know what it means that the life of the passenger is entrusted to them. Decades of good cooperation with hotels, businesses and associations make us the most reliable cab company in the Pongau.

Your satisfaction is my personal concern.

Translated with (free version)

  • Airport shuttle from Salzburg, Munich, Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt and Innsbruck to the holiday regions of Ramsau am Dachstein and Schladming - Dachstein
  • Train station shuttle from Schladming, Bischofshofen and Salzburg
  • Excursions in summer and winter, Vienna transfer, patient transport and individual journeys on request.
  • VIP shuttle - luxuriously equipped large limousine


Taxi Maier Bert

Schlöglberg 58, 5505 Mühlbach am Hochkönig

Taxi Mayer

Fleiß 29, 8961 St. Nikolai im Sölktal

Taxi Otto Schwaiger

Nr. 175, 5505 Mühlbach am Hochkönig

Taxi Raab

Astachsiedlung 15, 5611 Großarl