Ski amadé 滑雪学校

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.


无论是为了获得完美滑雪道体验而进行的终极技巧打造,还是为第一个“白金”上的弯道准备的速成课:在 Ski amadé 滑雪学校中,初学者和高级学员以及整个班级都能够获得最佳提升。经验丰富的单板和双板教练团队为每一个愿望提供最适合的帮助。

对于冬季运动的勇士们,有一件事是必然获得保证的:Ski amadé 滑雪学校的专家教练让每一位滑雪者更接近梦想中的滑雪道体验。无论是希望参加小组课程还是预定私人课程,所有课程安排完全按照客人的意愿。您可能同样向往自由式滑雪的世界:重点在于,一方面提高对滑雪的自信,另一方面提高在两块滑雪板上的安全!

新: "Back2Ski"

经过一段较长的假期后,您想重新回到滑雪的神奇世界吗?在我们参与活动的滑雪学校预订Ski amadé Back2Ski特惠课程,只需299欧元,即可享受由经验丰富的滑雪教练提供的2 x 2小时私人课程,让您的滑雪技能更上一层楼。

Ski amadé 滑雪学校

Children's ski school Balla – The specialist for children individualists for adults in Altenmarkt/Zauchensee

Sepp Schernthaner

Absolut School is the freeski and freestyle snowboard school of Absolut Park. Of course it also offers classic ski tuition.

We offer group courses and private lessons for alpine skiing orsnowboarding, for children and adults.

The idea behind Skischule Gastein is, due to the unique combination of state certified ski-, snowboard- and mountainguides, to bring the offer in the Gastein valley to the highest quality level.    

The top address for all winter-sport enthusiasts! Wheter snowboarders, skiers, mountaineers or ice climbers, everybody finds what they are searching for! Our ambitious and best qualified team looks forward to meeting you!

Gerhard Sint & Siegi Kreidenhuber