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Lifts and piste facilities

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
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Type Status Name Persons Valley Mountain Opening times
EUB Galsterbergalm 10 1142m 1650m 08:30 - 16:00
Galsterbergalmlift 1 1650m 1770m 09:00 - 16:00
Gipfelbahn Vorderkahr 4 1550m 1981m 09:00 - 16:00
Tellerlift 1 1600m 1650m 09:00 - 16:00
Type Status # Name artificially snowed Length Height difference Gradient
1 Talabfahrt 2756.5m 356m
1 Talabfahrt 3447m 526m
1a Talabfahrt Mauthang 632m 112m
1b Talabfahrt Mauthang 324m 112m
2 Vorderkar 2084m 430m
2a FIS-Vorderkar-Abfahrt 238m 130m
3 Häuslrücken 587m 110m
4 Maresihang 275m 50m
4 Tellerlift 675m 50m
10 Vorderkarabfahrt
Skiweg Berg Tellerlift - Vorderkar
Skiweg Vorderkar - Berg Tellerlift
Skiweg Bottinghaus-Talabfahrt
8 Toboggan run Galsterberg 5000m

5 kilometres of tobogganing fun during the day as soon as the snow conditions allow.

Evening tobogganing expected to start on 26 December 2024 - Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Last evening operation on 15 March 2025

Gallic Skiing Village
Funrun Bottelix Hinkelsteinbruch
Funrun Römerstraße VII
Funrun Little Gallier Park
9 Race Track 500m

... and the winner is . . . The Galsterberg offers ideal conditions for your company ski races, club races and training groups.

10 Trainingspiste 1200m 431m

A specially created training piste enables HEUER NEU - unlimited training fun for squad skiers and winter sports clubs.

Ski tour Galsterberg 4300m 857m

Ski tour Galsterberg:
Ski touring on the Galsterberg is only permitted during piste opening times (8.30 am to 5 pm)!

Evening ski tour Galsterberg:
Ski touring is permitted on the following days:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 

On piste 1 between the GUB valley station and the Galsterbergalmhütte, piste walking and downhill skiing is permitted between 18:00 and 23:00.

The upper section of piste 1 (chairlift mountain station and Galsterbergalmhütte) may be used between 18:00 and 21:00.*

*No contractual liability for recommended evening descent!

    easy moderate difficult Ski route
    open closed in preparation