Ski hire at INTERSPORT Rent | © INTERSPORT Rent
Ski hire at INTERSPORT Rent | © INTERSPORT Rent

Ski rentals in Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Renting fast skis and snowboards

The latest bindings, the best wax and perfectly sharpened edges.....

...that’s what turns skis or a snowboard into the perfect winter equipment. At the ski rentals in Ski amadé from Salzburg to Styria, you’ll find the latest winter sports equipment at every location. 

Tipp: To make sure your favourite skis are available upon your arrival, you should reserve your desired equipment online right away! 

You’ve been wanting to try a new winter sport while on ski holiday? Go ahead and rent a snowboard, cross-country skis or snowshoes and immerse yourself into the winter world of Ski amadé! At the ski resorts from Salzburg to Styria, there are countless winter experiences waiting for you … 

INTERSPORT Servicenetwork

Fast service and the best rental equipment for your ski holidays

Skiing is more fun when you have good equipment. Whether you are looking for a quick service of your own skis during your holiday or the best rental equipment, there are 27 INTERSPORT Rent Shops to meet your needs in Salzburg and Styria.

Select your chosen ski equipment online and save the best models. Simply choose the INTERSPORT Rent Shop close to you and select your equipment of choice!

Hire Skiwear With INTERSPORT Rent

Hiring skis? That's a given!

Why not also hire ski clothing for your next snowsport adventure? 27 INTERSPORT Rent shops throughout the Ski amadé resort now offer top-quality Schöffel-branded skiwear for adults and children for hire.

Ski rentals in Ski amadé

The best advice for sport and lifestyle

Sport and lifestyle share the space of over 400m2 in an old building ambience that invites you to enjoy shopping for sport, fashion and seductive PALMERS underwear. We will be happy to advise you on outfits designed for mountain adventures, après-ski and urban lifestyle. 

Smooth and carefree: your winter vacation in Maria Alm

The experienced INTERSPORT Rent team can help you by advice and assistance. Whether young or old – here everybody will get his money´s worth. Families benefit from short waiting times, a comprehensive range of rental gear for all skill levels and numerous free extra services in the ski rental of INTERSPORT Maria Alm, base station Abergbahn,.

Whether skis, snowboard or sled: Parents and children will surely find the proper equipment at INTERSPORT Maria Alm, base station Abergbahn. You want to experience the winter from a whole new perspective? Try a new sport that the whole family will enjoy. The variety of fun equipment will inspire you. Take advice from the INTERSPORT Rent team and you can start into a varied winter day with lots of fun and action!

Competent consultation in Bad Gastein
It is not always easy to find the adequate ski: Demands and requirements vary, depending on skill level and individual needs. You can receive advice with sensitivity at Sport FLEISS across the railway station Bad Gastein: The team, consisting of experienced and enthusiastic sports experts, will lend an ear to your needs and helps you in choosing an equipment that´s perfectly tailored to your style of driving.

In order to guarantee a pleasent skiing, not only the ski should be choosed carefully. The  team also pays attention on the choice of ski boots that are tailored to the skills of the driver. Why it´s worth to give a visit to Sport FLEISS across the railway station Bad Gastein?

The modern foot scan makes it possible to determine the ideal insole – for more safety, comfort and convenience. A perfect day of skiing in Bad Gastein is guaranteed with this bonus in service.

If you're looking for the latest trends in skiing, you've come to the right place. With empathetic advice and fast processes, you'll find the way to a good adrenaline rush on your sports adventure, whether you want to rent or find your dream equipment. With our Test and Buy option, we invite you to put your skis through their paces before deciding to buy.

Safely on tour in the alpine world with top-equipment

A winter holiday at the Hochkönig brings you untroubled snow fun. Because modern snowmaking equipment and groomers provide boundless driving pleasure even if the weather should take a break. Also the necessary winter sports equipment is cared for: You will find up-to-date brand models at INTERSPORT Maria Alm, Natrum village J@t base station. You don´t want to invest in an own equipment? Easily rent your skis or snowboard! The INTERSPORT Rent team tells you all you have to know.

If you rent your ski or snowboard equipment, you wont have to make any compromises: The INTERSPORT Rent employees ensure that the rental equipment is optimally maintained and serviced. You will also always receive exactly the equipment that is tailored to your ability and your driving behavior at INTERSPORT Maria Alm, J@t Natrun Dorf base station. Look forward to an unique winter sport experience on 150  interconnected pistes at the Hochkönig!

Sales, rent or service: INTERSPORT Bachler, main square Schladmig
The ski resort of Schladming / Planai attracts winter sports enthusiasts with varied slopes and demanding race tracks. Also freeskiers and snowboarders feel in good hands at the venue of the annual Slalom World Cup. All those who are looking for the perfect equipment for endless fun on the slopes will find it in the center of Schladming: The ski rental of INTERSPORT Bachler, on the main square in Schladming, is located near the Planai Stadion.

As an avid skier, you know what equipment it needs in order to cover the five-kilometer descent on the Fis-run from the Planai peak to the valley. Ask for your favourite equipment in the ski rental of INTERSPORT Bachler or receive tips and tricks from the friendly team at INTERSPORT Rent.

Are you a novice to the slopes and need detailed advice? Also then the staff in the ski rental of INTERSPORT Bachler, on the main square in Schladming, is at your service. Rely on the advice of local skiers who are always glad to help you when choosing your ski or snowboard equipment.

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Whether big or small, beginner or advanced, the Angerer Alpine + Ski School has the right programme for everyone. At the ski school, you can learn how to ski, optimise your technique on the piste and off-piste or simply have fun trying out fun sports equipment.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, other languages on request

Additional features:
informal, personalised supervision, weekly snowshoe hikes and ski tours

Top-equipment for sale, rent or testing
Wwinter sports enthusiasts will find a large selection of top brands at INTERSPORT Maria Alm, Hintermoos: Modern ski and snowboard equipment for different snow conditions and skill levels meet the needs of recreational athletes as well as those of skilled professionals.

The wide range of up-to-date ski and snowboard models creates delight for winter sports. But which is the perfect ski for you? On which snowboard you can enjoy safe driving fun? Ask the experienced INTERSPORT Rent team that will advise in the matter of winter sports.

You want to test your equipment before you decide to make a purchase? Then use the Test & Buy option – one of numerous INTERSPORT Rent services, available in the ski rental in Maria Alm, Hintermoos.

Our sports shop right at the Space Jet 1 valley station in Flachau is your competent partner in matters of ski rental, service and advice.

Whether you are a beginner or a professional – when it comes to winter sports equipment, quality and therefore safety cannot be compromised. In our shop you can get materials at reasonable prices. We would be happy to advise you on your safe and suitable equipment.

Reserve your equipment for your winter holiday in Flachau online now and save 10%.

• Anmeldung Ski- u. Snowboardschule • Ski- u. Snowboardverleih • Annahme u. Ausgabe Ski- u. Snowboardservice • Sportgeschäft • Salomon Testcenter

Wir bieten Gruppen-Skikurse für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene – egal ob Anfänger ihre ersten Schritte auf Skiern machen oder Fortgeschrittene ihr Können für noch mehr Fahrvergnügen verbessern wollen. Unsere bestens ausgebildeten Skilehrer gehen auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse ein und sorgen mit der richtigen Technik für Spaß beim Skifahren. Alle Kinderskikurse sind mit Essen und Betreuung in der Mittagspause buchbar.

Skischule Erlebniswelt – Gondel Bergstation u. Erlebniskindergarten im Tal – Skischulhaus: eigener kinderfreundlicher Essensraum u. Spielbereich für Skischulkinder, riesiges Kinderareal mit Karusell u. Übungsliften, Figurenslalom, Kinderlernprogramm mit Tierfiguren. Großzügiger Spielraum mit Rutsche, Ballbad uvm., Erlebniswelt sowie Intersport Lackner Shop / Verleih / Depot / Service auf 1.850 m direkt an der Gondel Bergstation mit Essensraum, Spielbereich u. Garderobe. Überzeugen Sie sich von unserem großen Kursangebot für Kinder und Erwachsene!

Schi- u. Rennschule Lackner, Intersport Lackner Shop / Rent / Depot / Service 4x im Großarltal. Jetzt gleich Frühbucherbonus sichern!

FAMILY Ski amadé – Angebote in den Kinder-Skischulen

Kinderareal mit Zauberteppich Ja Erlebniskindergarten mit Spielraum, Essensraum, eigenes Skischularial, 2 Übungslifte uvm.
Karussell vorhanden Ja  
Kinderbetreuung über Mittag Ja  
Babysitting 0-3 Jahre Nein Auf Anfrage je nach Alter. 
Buchbares Paket Ja  
Kinderverleih im Angebot Ja Wenn beide Eltern Ski- oder Board-Ausrüstung leihen, sind Kids unter 10 Jahre kostenlos. 
Spezieller Familienrabatt im Verleih Ja  
Spezieller Familienrabatt in der Skischule Ja  
Kinderevents Ja Skirennen mit Siegerehrung, Fackellauf, Ski-Freeski-Carving Show, div. Events für Kinder
Sonstige Bemerkungen    

Das SnoWorld befindet sich direkt im Gebäude der Talstation der Alpendorf Gondelbahn auf Parkplatz-Ebene.

Wir bieten alles rund um Ski- und Snowboard:

  • Verleih der kompletten Ski- und Snowboardausrüstung (Ski, Stöcke, Schuhe, Helme, Protektoren, Bekleidung)
  • Ski- und Schuhdepot
  • Skiservice
  • Shop für Sportgeräte, Fashion, Souvenirs und Accessoires

2 Standorte in Alpendorf:

  • Talstation Gondelbahn Alpendorf (EG)
  • Sporthotel Alpina (OG Talstation Gondelbahn Alpendorf)

Why should you hire your winter sports equipment? Here you can find the most important reasons:

  • You can ski every season using the latest, top quality equipment and exchange your ski model or ski length at any time at no extra cost.
  • Individual advice, specially suited to your skiing expertise and the respective snow conditions. You save on servicing costs: with us, the equipment is optimally prepared every time it is hired out to a customer (Wintersteiger service partner) and the binding is individually altered, set and, of course, tested using a machine.
  • Service bonus: ski for 7 days and pay for just 6.

Have we made you curious?
From us you can get everything you need for skiing, tours, cross-country skiing, snowblading or tobogganing for the whole family, in the following categories:

  • Classic: (rental fees) softer skis, very good for beginners and people who are a little more advanced
  • Comfort: (rental fees) sporty construction, for intermediate and expert skiers – promotes skiing ability
  • Lady Ski: (rental fees) skis specially designed for women, easier swinging and good control while conserving energy, for beginners to experts
  • Sport: (rental fees) exceptional products with materials such as spring steel and bamboo, for beginners to experts
  • Zai: (rental fees) innovative skis made from carbon, cedar wood or stone – made by the world’s smallest and most innovative ski factory

Ski & Snowboardverleih direkt an der Talstation der Sunshine Shuttle.

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The ‘Panorama’ ski school stands for quality! Highly trained ski instructors and small groups with a maximum of 6 or 9 people ensure perfect learning success and fun for all skiing abilities. Quality assurance through targeted performance checks by state-certified ski instructors on site is part of the weekly routine. Feel the difference and book with Sport Panorama. 

Best Learn2Ski products:
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish, French

Additional features:
Small groups with max. 6 or 9 people; weekly performance check in all courses