Mountain restaurants in Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
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Mountain restaurants in Ski amadé

Culinary highlights in the mountains

You’ve got 260 opportunities to take your skis off or put your snowboard in a stand and take a break. Whether it’s hot tea or a hearty Gröstl (roast meat and potatoes): The hosts at the ski huts in Ski amadé love to spoil their guests with regional delicacies and culinary delights. 

Stop by, take a break and enjoy – that’s the motto at the mountain restaurants and huts in the five regions of Ski amadé. At these culinary establishments, the taste worlds of the two federal states of Salzburg and Styria meet. A stunning mountain panorama and breathtaking 360-degree views, you’ll be served on top. 

Additionally, winter sports enthusiasts can look forward to 28 certified ski & wine huts, which don’t just impress guests with their exceptional service quality but also with regional delicacies and Austrian wines. Come see for yourself – the rustic charm of the ski huts and mountain restaurants will certainly enchant you. Sit down on the sun decks and listen to some chill music, and your winter day in the world of Ski amadé is bound to become a resounding success! 

TASTE Ski amadé - the finest flavour from the Austrian mountains in cozy mountain huts
TASTE Ski amadé - the finest flavour from the Austrian mountains in cozy mountain huts

Dance of delights at the lifestyle huts

How about a lifestyle hut with chalet feel? At these mini-meccas for pleasure, sun hungry skiers and snowboarders not only encounter a true eldorado of chill-out areas. Special lounges create a relaxing feel-good ambience. That’ll make your Topfenknödel (sweet cream cheese dumplings) or Kasnockn (special type of pasta with cheese) taste even better – promise! 

You’ll see: The welcoming hosts at the rustic huts and stylish mountain restaurants will impress you with their unique charm. Whether it’s a round of beer at the Herzalstubn, a stroll through the Almvinothek or a little nap in a fur-covered lounge chair: It’ll definitely be amazing!

Special tip

Enjoyment Ski Routes

In the mood for exploring the secret hostpots and culinary insider's tips for ski huts in Ski amadé?

Because where the locals like to go – far off the more touristy locations, that’s where you’ll find the hidden culinary gems of Ski amadé. A total of 13 Enjoyment Ski Routes – each holiday resort has at least two – can be explored with the help of the “Ski amadé Guide” app. Via GPS tracking and personal routing, skiers and snowboarders are guided to the most mouth-watering locations. You’ll be amazed to find so much more than just traditional Germknödel and sausages at the huts of Ski amadé … 

All ski huts in Ski amadé

Traditional alpine hut in the ski area "Hahnbaum" in the city centre of Sankt Johann im Pongau. Directly next to the top station of the 2-men chairlift "Hahnbaum".

Zur Haustür hinaus, Ski anschnallen und los geht`s – während die anderen im Tal noch auf den Lift warten wedelst du schon durch den frischen Pulverschnee!

Seit Winter 2013/14 haben wir – Sandra und Hans Peter Gruber – das traditionelle Wagrainer Haus übernommen. Es liegt nur wenige Meter von unserem Almstadl entfernt.

Wir begrüßen Sie auf 1750m Höhe im Ski- und Wandergebiet Flachau-Wagrain. Aufgrund der einzigartigen Lage erreicht man uns im Winter nur mittels  Gondel oder Skiern (bis 16.00 Uhr) – ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.

Freundlichkeit und Gastlichkeit kombiniert mit Standards die in unserer Region üblich sind. Nicht zu vergessen, unser aus Amerika importierter Barbecue-Smoker, aus dem wir ab sofort wieder die legendären und schmackhaften Spare Ribs servieren.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

Adlerlift II
Talstation Rittisberglift
Zeitmessstrecke, Lucky Flitzer


Ski huts

Auf dem wohl sonnigsten Platz der Planai, an der Bergstation der Weitmoosalmlifte steht die urige Blockbauhütte Weitmoosalm. Die Sonne verwöhnt Dich von früh bis abends auf unserer wunderschönen Sonnenterrasse. In unserem Wintergarten kannst Du bei jedem Wetter die herrliche Aussicht auf die Bergwelt genießen. In unmittelbarer Nähe befindet sich der Super-Freestylepark, sowie ein Anfänger Übungshang der Schischule Tritscher mit einem Sunkid-Zauberteppich.

The courtyard of the World Cup Arena Zauchensee


a cozy bar with heated marble plates right in between the warming drink! Very popular for après ski!

Bodega, Dorfalm and Café Venezia:

Spanish, Alpine and Italian flair in 3 locations splitted! There is cafe specialties, pastries and snacks such as pizzas etc.