Anna Pilz

The children's new clothes #stayskiamade

Many parents know the situation – the first snowflakes fall from the sky and the children stick their little noses to the cold window panes to watch the spectacle. Here in the mountains, the demand for “skiing!” follows immediately.

Sustainable outfits for the ski winter

As every year, this day marks the start of the big “basement attic safari”, where we rummage through the clothing and equipment inherited from family and friends. Each child, whether more or less motivated (second is usually more likely), then tries on two to ten pieces to see what still fits well. With a bit of luck, we will find a complete outfit and we are particularly happy when the things we got from friends or family can be used a second time.

Most of the items have only been worn for one season and look like new. In order to give the children a dry winter experience, we impregnate the clothing with impregnating spray or detergent, since second-hand items have usually already been washed and the protection is reduced as a result. Although this impregnation is not harmless, no raw materials are used for a new production.

The correct size kids clothing

Usually children's clothing sizes correspond to body sizes in centimetres. Size 104 should therefore correspond to a height of 104 cm. But sometimes that's not quite the case. Different manufacturers tailor inconsistently. Especially with second hand one should not rely on the size. Washed items of clothing have sometimes changed, become smaller or larger. That's why it's important to try everything on and pay special attention to a few features:

  • Pants: No child wants to feel like a robot. Let your children do a few movements in their ski pants, for example squats, leg swings with a straight leg or a brisk run around the apartment. If that's possible, it's also possible outside. Note the functionality, for example, the bottom of the pants should go over the ski boots. At best, there is also a snow guard on the inside, which prevents snow from getting into your shoes and your kids' feet from getting wet and cold.
  • Jacket: With the jacket, you should also make sure that the children can move around easily and that it has a snow guard around the waist. Experience has shown that our kids don't always stay on two feet and roll through the fresh powder snow.
  • Length: It is also important to consider the sleeve length. To do this, your kids should stretch out their arms once to the side and once upwards. The cuffs must not slip backwards over the wrist. The jacket should also allow children to circle with outstretched arms. So if the outfit is comfortable, functional and hopefully also meets the kiddies' taste in clothing, then you can start.
  • Ski Equipment: We have to buy new ski boots, skis and ski poles every year because the children outgrow them. Because we want to live more sustainably here, as with our clothing, we have again decided not to buy anything new. Here we take advantage of the great offer in Ski amadé to rent ski equipment. So we always get perfectly maintained equipment and the basement compartment and environment are also happy.

When both children are covered, parts of the ski equipment are used immediately for "dry training" and the skis are converted into diving goggles for underwater adventures in the children's room, or the ski helmet is used to protect the pilot's head in the bunk bed helicopter. Until the time has finally come and the first day of skiing is here...

… for the children this means a day of pure joy. Until we get the same feeling, we first have to gather all the necessary utensils, pack equipment and food and then the biggest challenge - pack the children in their ski clothes. You have to be a bit inventive with the little ones, because, as already mentioned, some people don't find it that exciting. In the next blog post you will find out how getting dressed together can be made a little easier.

Anna Pilz

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